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Hey Barbelith, get to work you lazy bastards


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Jack Denfeld
08:31 / 11.04.03
OK, have any of you finished what you were working on?

Alas was trying to turn his dissertation into a book.

Flux was piecing together a portfolio book of photographs that he intended to have done by May.

Short Fat Dyke was working on a novel.

Our Lady of Guadalupe was going to start writing again.

Chairman Mao actually had a deadline on a comic script.

Mordant was working on several articles and a novel.

Harry Potus was deciding on going on a photographic project.

SUDS was finishing up a Zine.

Cholister was writing a novel (more writing, less drugs Cholister)

Izabelle was learning about loss (and hopefully you're done learning about it, your story was a bit depressing)

Laughing was embarking on a career as a stand up comic.

Mazarine was working on about 3000 projects, the most important being a cat-bed pillow.

The Local Goth was working on a circuit that would allow him to pump audio into his phone from a computer or walkman. (you're very strange)

Xs was looking for a job and working on his book. Having tried both myself, I'll assume you got the job 1st

Alex Gein was working on his mixing and scratching skills.

Kegboy was working on a Ninjas vs Pirates ccg.

I was trying to get a car by march(didnt happen, hopefully may) and was planning to enroll in the Wrfiter's Digest class (nope).

Rizla was working on a fanzine and a dissertation.

Lilith Myth had 95,000 words completed for her novel. Any more?

Tezcatlipoca was trying to convince his agent that his novel would bring the agent tons of money.

Moriarty was working on a variety of projects, and currently outlining a plan on the Jenny Everywhere book!

Haus was trying to get over writer's block, and find meaning in his career.

Naked Flame was trying to find work as a sound engineer.

Cat Jerome was working on issue 4 of his minicomic series.

Jaded Jade was contemplating a return to school, and finding a proper job.

Invisible Al was trying to put together a live role-playing convention for March. Did this happen?

Dysfunctional Mass was working on a samurai comic, and a rockabilly mage comic.

H.I.R. was putting shelves up in her spare bedroom.

Bengali was working on herself.

Sax had 3 different novels in circulation to 3 different agents.

Lurid Archive was preparing a talk on the Banach-Tarski paradox.

Anna de Logardiere was writing about supermodels and their amazonian appearances.

drzener was trying to figure out Protools.

Whiskey Priestess was rewriting a screenplay.

Tower Always Falls was finishing a novel.

Paleface Beta was working on a degree.

Lullaboozler was trying to get his publishing company off the ground.

Rothkoid was working on reviews for Splendid.

Cherry Bomb was trying to finish a glass of wine.

Harmony was trying to write some music.

Flyboy was working on a few comics.

Arturo was trying to find a crappy retail job.

I'm confidant Cherry Bomb completed her mission, but what about the rest of you? Made any progress at all? Or not at all, like myself?
William Sack
08:47 / 11.04.03
H.I.R. was putting shelves up in her spare bedroom.

His shelves are up, painted, and full of the sort of books he hopes will give his overnight guests nightmares. He is now bringing on some seeds that have successfully germinated, and eyeing the garden - the daffodils are past their best but the tulips are wonderful. His is a lifestyle worth fighting to preserve.
09:03 / 11.04.03
This is the single greatest thread of all time. From now on I shall try extra hard to read your name properly Jack and not see "Denfield" all the time.


You are Anthony Robbins and I claim my five dollars.
09:08 / 11.04.03
Sax has largely had rejections on the three novels. One of the novels was a cheat; he'd only written three chapters and was doing a bit of a flyer on it. He now decides it was a pretty crap idea any way.

Two of the novels are completed and are fucking great, but those fools in the publishing industry seem hell-bent on not giving him loads of money for them. However, one literary agent has asked to see the whole thing after seeing three sample chapters of one novel, and is now mulling it over.

The second novel is also with a different agent and a publisher, who agreed to look at it. No movement as of yet.

Sax has also just completed his second Jenny Everywhere script and is working on a third novel, which is a contemporary gothic ghost story. He has also done most of a 22-page superhero comic script which he was going to pitch to Epic but is now too scared to in case Cameron Stewart calls him names.
Lurid Archive
09:11 / 11.04.03
Lurid Archive was preparing a talk on the Banach-Tarski paradox.

To be fair, my goal was rather more modest than the others and there was never any doubt that I would do it. Having said that, the chocolate orange went down well, especially when I explained how to double it in size by rotating it a bit.
09:20 / 11.04.03
Lurid there are times when you leave me goggle-eyed and speechless. This is one of them.

I'm sure the Terry's company would love to know how to double the size of their chocolate oranges! There may well be a nice side-line for you in ever-expanding sweeties!
Cherry Bomb
09:23 / 11.04.03
I would like to report that I have indeed completed my mission, and have since embarked and completed many similar such projects...
09:28 / 11.04.03
Ooh, Jack, you bastard. You straight-talking, perceptive bastard, you.

The deadline's been put back. Progress is occurring, but pitifully slowly. (I'd like to blame this on the artist's insistence that the protagonist is a perfect likeness of Richard Beckinsale, but the fault is equally mine for being slack. However, the guy we're supposed to be doing it for is also notoriously slack, and seems to have let things go a little. Not that that's an excuse, or anything...)

What a great thread idea. I think a fair few of us need a kick up the arse.
10:04 / 11.04.03
Pin was going to learn to paint his own damn nails

Nope. Am going to have to do it tonite. Sigh.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:24 / 11.04.03
Hmmm, how long ago was the original question?

I finished a Jenny Everywhere script in two 10-page parts, the art for the first of which is almost completed:

Will be online within the, er, foreseeable future.

Work has begun in earnest on a longer form project with the possible working titles Rock'N'Roll or Pervert Mechanics - have pretty much committed to actually doing this now, as the 'next' thing, which means writing an entire graphic novel. Scary, but... yes. Onwards, ever onwards. Shorter things, other things, bubble away in the background.

Still really not missing writing prose fiction.
Eloi Tsabaoth
11:05 / 11.04.03
I've started working as a freelance production runner. Anyone want any tea? Or coffee?
Ethan Hawke
11:07 / 11.04.03
That's such a sweet Jenny Everywhere advert, guys. You rule.
11:08 / 11.04.03
Hah! I knew there was a good reason I didn't contribute to the 'what are you doing' thread! Set only vague objectives and you're bound to (vaguely) meet 'em...
11:13 / 11.04.03
Ganesh -

Politics beckons.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
11:36 / 11.04.03
< defensive > But I'm at work! How else would I find the time to post here? Oh I see...

I've got two novel length books on the go at the moment and short story about Snow White. Unfortunately I've got extremely selective writers block which doesn't stop me working per se, just stops me working on any project that I could then try to sell.
12:41 / 11.04.03
Jack Denfeld, you cute stalker you!

I'm still planning to get back to college. And still wanting a proper job. But my band is pretty busy at the moment, we're playing gigs like if there's no tomorrow(there's one tomorrow, by the way, wish me luck). And I need a computer at home to edit and make revisions and correction in my first book, which I finished six months ago, so I can send it to agents and publishing people. So - yeah, I've been sitting in my squalid arse for a while now...
pointless and uncalled for
14:16 / 11.04.03
I so far have demonstrated the qualities of an absolute failure and thank you so very much for twisting the knife in the wound you evil fiend.

I have, however, come into posession of a brand new twisting knife (barely used).
14:48 / 11.04.03
Lullaboozler was trying to get his publishing company off the ground.

Yes, yes, YES!! I have got the publishing company thing up and running and have published an actual real life book, that is on Amazon and everything. Someone has even bought a copy!


My author and I are chuffed to bits.
Whisky Priestess
16:02 / 11.04.03
Whiskey Priestess was rewriting a screenplay.

And also working on the lifetime project of getting everyone to spell her name right ...

But yes! I'm glas you reminded me, Jack - the above project was finished as of about 3 weeks ago - or at least the first rewrite is done - hopefully they'll think it's fab and instantly whizz it into production and pay me massive amounts of money. Or possibly grow wings and start oinking.

My next urgent-deadline thing is to write a play of 45 minutes plus by Monday 14th April. I've got an idea and the first couple of scenes and I reckon I can do it if I pull an all-nighter on Sunday. Watch this space.
18:29 / 11.04.03
Fridgemagnet apparently wasn't doing anything

Hooray! I've succeeded!
01:29 / 12.04.03
The same book I've been working on for the past couple years, possibly few years, I've lost track.
Still working on it. Realized I was working on fanfiction more than my own story, so, kibosh on fanfiction.
Lecture on the first two plays in the Oresteia.
Been and gone, went quite well if I do say so myself.
User guide for a program I've never seen, used, or likely ever will use.
Wrote the draft asked for, at which point the people I was writing it for of course changed their minds about what they wanted. I complained vigorously and vocally, and at last they got a very nice woman who isn't me who was actually hired for this sort of thing to do it.
Collages for the cabinets in my kitchen.
On hold. Color printer cartridges are expensive, I'm poor, and I can't decide if I want to arrange the collages by facial expression or color.
Patching up a coat.
On hold- popped a sleeve, which requires more time than I have right now to fix, so I'm just wearing another coat, and winter's almost over anyway.
Crocheting a scarf.
Still working on several, but again, winter's almost over.
Making a corset.
On hold. Haven't had time to get together for any significant length of time with the friend who's going to teach me how to make one, and when we did, we were drinking. I don't like to mix alcohol and sewwing machines.
Making a pillow for a cat-bed.
On hold due to notable and lamentable failure to, as yet, aquire any cats.
Writing more scripts for webcomic (on hiatus.)
Still on hiatus. Probably for good, but who knows.

In addition to all those merry projects, I'm still working on my tarot deck, slow going due to lack of scanner, trying to get out of debt so that marvelous things like scanners and cats will be within reach, trying to get an assistantship for next semester, I've got a paper due in early May that I'll probably write on the differences between human sacrifice and murder in Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, with an option on Homer, growing out my hair, though there's very little I can do to speed that process, and once it warms up a bit more, I'll refinish my desk (upstate winter + open windows = bad, spray paint + gas heated house + closed windows = suicide.) Determining how to make several of the seals from the Greater Key of Solomon for self and sweetheart. So some of my stuff is done, but the total number of projects is probably up to 3500 at this point.
The Return Of Rothkoid
07:06 / 12.04.03
Was writing reviews.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
16:12 / 12.04.03
Finished a couple of the articles, and had one accepted by a webzine. (Actually, "accepted" is probably too strong a word since the editor had previously emailed me and begged me to write summat. And I didn´t get paid. So yar.) One of the articles had to be shelved on account of RL stuff but I´ll prolly finish it if I ever get an internet connection.

The novel is a long-term project, something that´ll probably take me years rather than months; it´s going okay now after a temporary derailment. I´m slogging through a lot of backgroundy stuff at the mo, which is tiresome but rewarding.

I´ve also completed a lot of other bits and bobs, short stories and the like, plus learnt a sizeable amount of Castillian Spanish. And oh, yeah, I´ve just sodding well emigrated for the second bloody time in six months. I think that counts as at least half a novel or 5.2 average-length short stories.
The Strobe
17:03 / 12.04.03
I'm still doing the degree.

There's less of it left, though. I've pretty much finished my dissertation, due in in a fortnight, which I'm really pleased with and quite proud of. I reckon it's better than last year's.... but I'm just praying whichever fellow(s) is/are marking it do too. It's 20% of the exams out of the way.

Then I have four papers at the end of May/Beginning of June. Which terrify me. After 12 hours of exams, I'll be done.

Other things to be working on: finding work experience, maybe a job, upgrading the studio and really working on a demo cd, writing things. The degree's still top priority for now, though.
18:35 / 12.04.03
Dysfunctional Mass was working on a samurai comic, and a rockabilly mage comic

The samurai gig has been put on hold for the moment until the extremely gifted artist recovers from what may either be the flu or SARS. I'm anxious for him to start feeling better and pump out more sharp stuff like the first two pages he sent me, which can be seen here and here.

Is he not the sock rockingest?

My rockabilly comic is still being pounded out on the anvil. I've had a few bites from artists to jump into it but only a particularly talented one bluntly told me that I needed to solidify and coagulate everything into the script before he could do the work. So I've taken that as incentive to roll up my sleeves and bust my back working on it. So the script is in progress as we speak. I've sort of hid in the research aspect of it for far too long.
19:44 / 12.04.03
Izabelle was learning about loss (and hopefully you're done learning about it, your story was a bit depressing)

[shrug] It's not unreasonable to learn how to deal with loss and mourning - shit happens all the time. And, yes, that's depressing, too.

On the good side, both of my geriatric cats are still alive and not suffering and very affectionate, and I've resolved to get a new cat when one of the current pair passes away. On the other side, my dad is still dead and the ex-lover is buying a house with the new beloved. But it's not like I'm going to do anything but cope with any of these facts-o-life.

I guess I'm still woking on learning about loss. I may never stop learning; there's always something to lose...

But it's spring here and I met an interesting woman last night, two of my friends are getting married and I'm going to be gifted with some of the redundant furniture as the households combine, and, as incredibly sappy as it might sound, I'm glad to be here. (maybe it's the SSRIs..)
19:53 / 12.04.03
"Invisible Al was trying to put together a live role-playing convention for March. Did this happen?"

Oh toss *sigh* nope it didn't. I discovered many things during my learning experience, number one is that Live-roleplayers are tight fisted to a man or woman and never to believe people when they say the cheques in the post.

Loads of people said it was a great idea, only 50 actually gave us money before the deadline, we needed 300 plus to make it work so we threw in the towel. Learn at lot about how to fall apart and then reassemble oneself while under extreme stress through. Relatively sanguine about this crushing failure at the moment while I try and do well...something to add meaning to my life.

First on the list would apparently be to discover some new goal of somekind, along with looking after myself, mind and body. Oh I managed to fit some shelves and do loft insulation in my house...does that count.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
22:45 / 12.04.03
I have finished my Nano novel and am working on a short story for a Destroyer anthology. I am also trying to get back to my other novel I've been blocked on for about 2 years....

And I'm writing a VERY long series of articles on comic book distribution in the US.

Not that anyone asked.
00:58 / 13.04.03
Dysfunctional Mass: observe my socks pogoing around the room
Tryphena Absent
01:26 / 13.04.03
Anna de Logardiere was writing about supermodels and their amazonian appearances

Hmmm... have finished writing specifically about supermodels and have moved on to the gender ambiguity of 'heroin chic' now. Sigh.
Jack Denfeld
01:39 / 13.04.03
'heroin chic' is my favorite.
02:26 / 13.04.03
'heroin chic' is my favorite.

I think Cadbury's coming out with some for the Easter baskets this year. Give the marshmallow peeps a run for their money.
Tryphena Absent
03:40 / 13.04.03
Well my knowledgable little bunnies since it's so very easter- fun- fun- fun why don't you write about it for me because I am so fucking sick of scrawny bitches with bags under their eyes and no breasts that I think I might KILL. Oh if only heroin chics did exist I might be biting in to one right now!

Erm... that could be my subconscious telling me to go to sleep before the mental breakdown takes place.
03:46 / 13.04.03
Just punning, Anna. I've only just encountered last week a male who said he finds Kate Moss attractive. He's the only one I've ever heard say so.
Lilith Myth
06:33 / 13.04.03
Lilith Myth had 95,000 words completed for her novel. Any more?
Well, I've got about 120.000 words but I suspect that more than half of them are crap. Oh, and a bunch of short stories. I think I have issues with completion.

Jack, are you my parents?

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