Jack Fear is Jesus and I claim my eternal salvation.
HA! You wish.
Let's see, though, which deity could I be...? Hmmm. Big guy, kinda gruff, red beard, bombastic, good-hearted but not too bright... it's gotta be...

(Yeah, I know: you're tho thor you can hardly pith. Ha bleedin' ha.)
Back on topic...
Loki: I hope I didn't come off as overly harsh and I hope I didn't scare you off. I'm certainly not angry at you, and I don't think you're stupid: you just want something better than this world that you see around you. So do I. So do we all. But withdrawing—into a hippie commune, into narcissism or bitterness, or into the exclusive company of "cool" people—isn't the way to make a finer world: engagment and connection, man.
So please—stick around. Engage. Connect. And don't let me (or anyone else here) scare you—I just yell because I care: Thor used to beat down Loki a lot, but they were brothers, after all.
Now gizza hug, yeh wee trickster, yeh. |