
The sun begins to set over the SS Substandard. In his cabin, the captain lies in a drunken haze of rum and coconut oil.
There is a sudden knocking at the door. Tezcatlipoca opens one eye, mutters something unforgivable, then rolls over. The knocking starts again in earnest.
"I hate to disturb you, sir." The voice of Ponsonby filters in from without. "But an angry mob is here to see you. They have who they believe to be one of the mafia, sir. They are requesting permission to keelhaul, sir."
"Finefinefine. Keelhaul the gentleman and get it over with."
"The child, sir. Not gentlemen. The mob is accusing young master Toddles."
The door opens gingerly and the captain, resplendent in his silk dressing gown, cigarette holder and army surplus slippers, steps on the deck.
"You master, Toddles, eh?" A shrug. "Well, let's get it over with."
An hour later, the body of poor Toddles is dragged up from the briny deep and dumped unceremoniously onto the deck. Prudence gives a great cry and surges forward, pushing the assembled crowd to the side as she flies to her poor boy.
"You fools!" she cries. "You ghastly, ghastly people! Toddles has never hurt so much as a fly! He was innocent!".
The captain stands silently for a few moments. Then takes another puff from his cigarette.
"Poor, poor boy. Obnoxious child he might have been, but sure he was no mafia. The sun has set, ladies and gentlemen. If some of you would like to send me private messages, I shall be in my cabin." |