Just adding my two cents.
I remember watching Private Ryan at the age of 12, and at those first 20 minutes I was fuckin' horrified goin' "I'll never play a goddamn war videogame again"! Something about the sound at that theater and the first pseudo-documentary realistic depiction of battle really punched me in the back of my head. But wait 'cause there's more...
Well nowadays, a bit older, it seems that the whole effect of "War is Hell" was indeed intentional only to be co-opted into the larger pro-war nobility honor stance or whatever. The more horrid the hell, the better. And Black Hawk Down was that same effect in a even cheaper way. I remember sitting through that fucking movie feeling like I was watching a 20 hour add for Counter-Strike or Delta Force.
And, of course, that goes into videogames too, so closely tied to those movies. It's no surprise that about 3-4 years (the time it takes to develop a game) after Private Ryan all sorts of "truly-realistic" ww2 games adding Ryan's Privates (you read it right) characteristics (wasteland chaos, smoke, flying sand and debris, dirt, unpleasantness, grime, random massive casualties, massive choir of chaotic shouts, blood&guts&members, bobbing POV-cameras, wrecking odds, pure uncertainty and fear) started to appear like pop-ups on a seedy website trying to recreate the fear and horror of those scenes and their defeats. On about my 4th viewing of Private Ryan, even I was more like "wow it'd be a really good game if they'd put that undesiredness factor into them". Won't be long until they attempt to reproduce and simulate not only the superficial (?) aspects of battle but also the most real-life horrid sensation of killing a human being, the guilt, the senseless feel, the emotional wrecking, the waste, the there's-no-coming-back-now, the profanation into hell, the utter loss of every trace of 'innocence', the doom, the filth -- and people would bloody love it. Fuck, if you make the most realistically possible game where you have to, in the most awfully realistically manner, deal with a soldier's wound, that will be flying off the shelves. Don't even get me started on EA's profits if you could kill a baby in his mother's arms in Vietnam in a way that makes you feel realistically like losing your soul and going mad (maybe a mad rush).
"War is Hell" was new perhaps in the seventies to mainstream movies. In the 90ies and so forth, was "War is Hell: you really think I'm a pussy to not go through that threshold?". I mean, Spielberg's ten years old film (damn, time goes by) was already the "listen momma's-boy, the more hateable the hell, the more of a hardened Lancelot you'll come out that other side, maybe even as Arthur".
I still think the best "anti-war" movie is Dr. Strangelove, if only for it's "freudian" sexual-bodily-aware undertones throughout the ENTIRE film (and not just here-and-there, like most places I read) on war and war movies & fiction (I could go about this film for a month -- there are just too many good laugh-out-loud jokes, and most of them comes through a tunnel that's too rich and at the same time too simple to be named just as "anti-war"). |