≈≈ In through the out door ≈≈
⊕ It's amazing to hear the United States innforming the public that this is World War 4. Seems we slept through the third one, which happened to be The Cold War. Nobody sent me a memo. ⊕
Been giving alot of thought to Crowley's influence "in this world". Consider when he received THE BOOK OF THE LAW - which was dated as 1904, World War was not even a fantasy. Yet, in his lifetime, he witnessed and played a part in both WWI and WWII, which earned him the title of a "Cowardly Traitor".
Could the workings he performed have had some effect upon our reality?
1945 brought about the turning point in which the world was truly "cleansed by fire", courtesy of the Fatman and his little boy. Yet, shortly after his death, Frater Achad declared Aeon of Horus over, (44 years from it's start = 44= DM (*Blood)) and as we have been discussing, THE AEON OF MAAT began.
Horus, as I have previously mentioned, was summoned by the opening of Gate 93 (hence the 93 current) of the Sepher Yetzirah (whoa! im having a DEJA VU!) The permutation of 2 hebrew letters todether unlocks a gate (check out previous posts on this thread)
The gate is equated to:
Letters: HR (HoRus - Har)
Tarot Combination: The Sun and Emperor (The Sun of the Emperor)
Tarot Value: 23( The 23 enigma )
Letter Name Value:520 (260x2)
Number Value: 205
Astrological Conjunction: Sun/Aries
Anyone who has read Liber CCXX(TBOTL) will notice all the synchronicities.
Any Magician worth his manna knows that which is opened. must be closed - that means baishing
Which leads me to think of the true reason behind the Babylon Working performed by Parsons and Hubbard under Crowley's instructions.
But hey, you guys don't want REAL MAGIC do ya? Give me a love spell! Not Lovecraft!
∇ Screw the HEbrew Tzaddi! Show us something NU!
Shhhh..I hear you. How about something OLD?
¤¤¤ 93 Current and Sanskrit ¤¤¤
Yes. Seems that some of the most precise word meanings for the THELEMIC numbers 31 and 93 are found in the Sanskrit language in light of the 2 number codes Katapayadhi and the Kerla variant. The combination of the 2 letters details the rich metaphors Sanskrit possesses for the 93 current.
GP- (Kerala Variant) [KTPY II]
1.GOPÎ = Krishana as the watcher of the cowherd;female watcher, cowherdess; goddess of yoga; wife
2. GaNYa = To be counted, calculated
3. GUHYa = To be concealed,hidden; Kept secret;mystery
4. AGRiHYa = Inconceivable; beyond (the realm of sense)
5. AGOHYa = Not to be hidden
6. UDUPa = Moon
7. BUKKa - Heart
8. BUDhNYa = The Depths; Dragon of the deep
9. BODhYa = To be understood; to be instructed; to be brought to one's senses
10. LOK = See,perceive,regard,observe, behold,know
11. LOKa= World, sphere,universe,space,division of the universe onto heaven and earth, the universe subdivided into 3,7 and 10 worlds.
12. ALIKa = Forehead
13. ÂLOKa- seeing,looking,sight,light,luster
14. ULÛKa= Owl
15. LÂTa = Woman, belonging to woman
16. LaP = Speech; the mouth (tongue);talk,whisper,murmur; address,converse, teach
17. LIP= Ointment,drug,poison; anoint,smear,pollute
18. LIPI= Writing,handwriting,inscription,written letter or line
19. LEPa=smear,moral taint,sin
20. LOPa= Transgression, violation
21. LaYa = Extinction,dissolution;absorption,destruction;death,rest, visualizing the chalra system within the body
22. ÂLaYa =Dwelling place; house; seat
23. LeKhYa = To be written down, recorded, book,scroll, drawing, illustration, painting, symbol
24. LeSYa = Light
25. LOKYa = Lawful,correct, real; bestowing freedom
26. PÛGa = Society
27.YÂGa - Sacrifice
28. YUGa =Yoke,pair,double;generation,period of life;cosmic age,world age, race of mankind
29.YOGa=Discipline,exertion,fitness,yoking,team,vehicle,combination,mixture,union,unity of soul and body,concetration
(*My favorite pairing Tz.)
30. KaLÂ= Small part of time; 1⁄16th the moon's disk; the 16th secret sexual secret•ion
31. KÂLÎ =The Goddess of Birth & Death as the black mother; the color black;««Knowledge As Liquid Information®»»(GM)
32. KaLÎ = Side of Dice (DIE) marked with one point. «««««« 
33. KILa = Game; Playing «««««« :P
34. KÂLa = Drak blue, black; the black in the eye (pupil) which is a token of Shiva; age,era,time,due season,hour; appointed or right/rite time; fate, death, God of Death (G.O.D.)
35. KULÂ = Tantric circle of initiates (usually 32 couples, 64 total)
36. KULI = Thunderboly (of Indra); Tantric sexual posture the thunderbolt
37. PaLa = Flesh
38. PÂLA = Watchman, gaurdian, protector of the earth
39. PaLI = Female Gaurdian
40. AuPaL = Made of Stone
(*so, keeping in mind that the previous numeric total is 31)
43. BÂDhA =Resistance; suffering; tormentor; pain
44. BaNDha = Bond, fettered; posture, position of hands and feet
45. BUDDhI = Understanding; comprehension; perception; mind; intelligence;reason; meditate upon
46. BODha = Buddha; Mercury; blossoming of flowers; awakening; arousal; conciousness; waking state; dawn
47. BODhI = Enlightenment; The Bodhi tree of knowledge under which the Buddha obtained enlightenment
(Isn't this aeon the Laughing Buddha? Mat or something?)
48. LaBDha = obtain, acquire, find, discover, fulfill
49 LaBDhI = Discovery or perception of
50. LUBDha = The star Sirius; the hunter
Eeeks! Have to go - food for thought for now and will add to it later
Tzaddi° |