‡†‡ A glimpse innto the mind of Tzaddi‡†‡
- ∇RE: WAR! What is it good for?∇
≈A timely topic, all things considered, and if no one objects, I wish to share what scattered bits I have required regarding the "New Aeon"≈
¤ In 1904, Master Therion was dictated the Book of the Law by a spirit known as Aiwass and then altered to suit the numerology of AC to Aiwaz (forgive me if I have the order reversed, I am writing without reference) The first total was 78 (3x26=78 or ∑-{1-12}) which happens to be the total number of chapters in Liber T aka The Tarot Deck. AC altered the spelling in order to fit into the confines of his 93 current, and for good reason.¤
¤As mentioned to LVX23(Shine on you crazy Diamond...) in a PM, the Sepher Yetzirah - one of the oldest Hasidic texts in existence, ∞it's name meaning book of Creation∞, teaches a system by which the permutation of the 22 letters of the HE•brew alephbeth and place them in a wheel. Then the 22 letters are added again in a second wheel within the first to create 22x22 letters, or 231 Gates of the Sepher Yetzirah • This system doesn't seem to be too widely in practice in this age - I imagine it to be due to the Golum incident a few years ago in Prague. The creation of a "man" much like God creating Adam,the 231 gates were permuted (Ab,Ag,Ad,Ah...) and the result was life to the "Frankenstien Monster". The working is then closed by sealing the 231 gates by permutation of the letters in reverse thus sealing the openings, preventing any anomalies §(read: something breaking through) § from occouring due to their deviation. This of course set the basis for the legends - mostly the matinee movie monsters.¤
¤ It seem s more and more the level of acceptance on certain "memes"(i.e. Crowley) and the ideas represented fluctuates between total acceptance and outright denial, as this thread already begins to show ( as well as the "Magick Histories and Identites" thread - ugh) What we are missing here is balance. ¤Everything is true, Nothing permitted¤ or ¤Nothing is true, Everything is permitted¤
- Really, the choice if reality is yours. - Suspend belief or disbelief for the extent of this post at least, ¤I am not Nystic, my views are Realistic, Simplistic¤
¤ The 231 gates are combinations of 2 letters. as stated previous. The connectiom to Therion and his Book that he clung to till the end, is in the Gate: 93 ¤ This is a very good example of Uncle AL and his mind-structure.¤ (PS: It is not known for certain if Crowley was studying the 231 gates. If he was, The Book of the Law could be written of to an elaborate hoax perpetrated on the ignorance of 1904 - "If you can't blind them with brillance, baffle them with bullshit" We can look at the keys left in the ¤BotL¤
418:BoleskineThe numeric association of AC's home (and Jimmy Page's at a later date)as well as 418 when reversed spells HAD on english or DAH forward {DA'atH???)Also 4+1+8= 13 Here be wisdom.
78 The Angel Aiwass could have simply been a tarot divination (78 cards in a deck as well as the trinity of NUIT,HAIT and HPK - 3x26 { see:26's esoteric meanings} - The whole transmission could have been a Tarot reading over 3 days, later spruced up after the enterance and details of the King's Chamber were unveiled - AC cashing in?
93 Too numerous in association (see: 93 and the UniHex}
"Rose" Kelly - she was babbling to crowley, blind prophecy to the point if his utter frustration, he decided to begrudgingly humor her, in spite he perceived her as an underling and thus not worthy of divining prophecy ("Why would she be contacted and not I?") When the visited the Cairo museum, she then identified a bust of Horus as her messenger: Crowley was pleased to find it labebled ^666^ - and So, the legend began.
In regards to Rose Kelly - way to convenient. AC's greatest downfall was his compulsive, obsessive desire to turn every revelation into self fufilled prophecy - when it even states in the BotL "YOU ARE NOT SO CHOSEN" and another point as "Ill being within " hating the pen and Ill intent as to the use of the Knowledge. This is why he "was not so chosen - but one comes, whence "I" say not who holds the Key to it All. ¤ Crowley, self imagined messiah of the new aeon was no more than the scribe - delivering the message unto the future for the appropriate moment when the Aeon of Horus, The Crowned and Conquering Child, who rides upon wings of fire (The Sun) and tides of blood (The Moon)¤ Rose Kelly, a red haired mexican prostitute filled his void of BABALON and the woman who would bring forth THE MOONCHILD. Compare this to Edward Kelly, the crop eared magician/scryer to Dr. John Dee (aka Talbot) and you can see the idea through the webs.
The Skinny:
⇒ GATE 93:
Hebrew Letters:• • Tarot Value• • Tarot Combination
≈∼≈∼HR≈∼≈∼≈∼≈∼23-≈∼≈∼≈∼≈∼Emperor and the Sun≈∼≈∼≈∼≈∼
Astrological ≈∼≈∼≈∼≈∼ Body Parts≈∼≈∼≈∼≈∼
Aries + Sun Right Hand/Right Eye
Single Letter Value: 205
Total Letter Value: 520
Meaning: Pyramid , Mountain
Can you spot the anamolies?
a)GATE 93-Tying together AC's 93 Current in fine form;
b)The BotL was received April 18,19 and 20 (I believe) which is rhe astrological SUN in ARIES ; as well as the sign of the Equinox within (Aries)
c)The initals/letter combination of HR - HoRus as indicated
d)Right Eye pertains to Horus , just as Right Hand is used to inscribe the words - Crowley as Scribe
e)Emperor of the Sun; always has stood out to me as the ruler of Egypt; Ra - and thus, Horus
f) The 2 letters/ 2 Trump total to 23 - WE ALL KNOW THIS ONE... 23 is the number assigned to Horus just as 17 to Osiris, his father and 8 to Isis. ( It should be mentioned: Osiris was slain and cut into 14 parts which were retrieved, reassembeled and brought back to life for a short time, in order for Isis to become impregnated by her slain Brother/Lover; This resulted in the conception of Horus - which Osiris, like the Phionex is reborn in total in the body of his child. This is the numerical equation of 17+6 (6=man)= ≈23≈![](/art/wink.gif)
g) The combination of The Sun and Emperor hearlds the date: 1904 (*The Sun= 19 and Emperor=04 - unless you switch the Tzaddi and The HE...nah, that's another thread***)
We then have the full date of reception: March - April, 1904 - if this was a coincidence, then my faith is renewed
418 is then the date of reception...?
h) The meaning of the pairing as PYRAMID (the point of reception) or MOUNTAIN (another nickname for a pyramid)
As stated, if this wasn't a preconceived, well planned and aligned working, If AC had not studied the Sefer Yetzirah, then we have an amazing arrangement of coincidence that breeds the phenomenal.
This is not the point of this post though. After Crowley's death in 1947, after The Babylon Working was compleated by John W. Parsons& L.Ron Hubbard (as Scrye and Scribe, Dee and Kelly) in the Nevada desert I believe, (which was said to be a success, though details are vague at best)Therion, broke and addicted passed on, feeling the departure of the spirit years previous) The Testament though, did manage to paint a picture of the coming age - remember, this was 1904. before WWI or II,before Fatman the Father and his holy son, Little Boy descended to earth like a pair of the fallen...before Entertainment and Media took hold of the mind and ENTERtainED us - Knowledge was difficult to aquire in those times, much as I imagine unsupervised access to the Antichrist in The Great Pyramid would be.
We race through time The age of Industry, Atomic, Information and at the feet of Nanotech - The often misunderstood vision has withstood the test of the last 99 years.1948, The Age of Horus was declared iver by someone of high "rank" in Occiult circles, and is replaced with the 4th age of Ma'at (Justice) Poor Horus it seems, never had a chance to grow up.
≡ The 3 ages have hidden meaning within: ISIS - The Forces of Nature (Forms) Her original Kaballah was Seven Sephirah. Next OSIRIS - Os=Speech and Iris= Ceneter of - expanded the tree to 10. HORUS, hidden within his name os HOURS - "Child of the forces of time"
Another point of worth is Horus, as the 3rd ruler - was symbolized already. Read the phrase/title of "The Ruler of the Age of Horus" - The Crowned ahd Conquering Child" (ccc=333) This refered to, and by no means am I claiming reincarnation,darling Haus, in the form of Alexander the Great; Ruler of Egypt et. al., his reign titled HORUS.
(Notice: ccc = ggg in Hebrew...english=ggg/777) So yes, there is the Abstract form of Horus, under the influence of Ares/War but there is as well the earthly side found in Alexander.≡
There is a point to this;
On 20♦03♦2003♦ The first strike of the current war with Iraq took place. Not only is it 99 years (very significant #) since the reception of the text/new aeon but it signifies double 23.Ironically, this opens another gate of the Sefer Yetzirah's 231 passages, again with the equivelent by combination of 23. (23,23,23)
Hebrew - - - - Tarot Total - - - Trumps- - - -
# 77 D( Daleth)+Sh (Shin) 3 + 20 = 23 - The Empress and Judgement
Number Value: - - - - Astrology/Elements---- Directions
Simple: 304 - - - - Venus and Fire - - - - - - e, n to s
Letter: 794 (1444) - - - -
MEANINGS: D= Door,Doorway,Gate,Entrance
Sh= Spirit, Herb,Herbage, Tender Grass, Bush
°°²³Δ °°²³Δ °°²³Δ °°²³Δ °°²³Δ °°²³Δ °°²³Δ °°²³Δ °°²³Δ °°²³Δ °°²³Δ °°²³Δ
No joke.
The Gate of 77 or Double 7 also carries with it the name OZ - one would wish it was the benevolent Wizard - OZ arrives to destroy the False God, even though he knows himself to be false as well; 77 is also noted as BLOOD SACRIFICE - often used to open portals or "doors" to other places. In addition; THE WATERS OF PURIFICATION UPON THE UNCLEAN
The period we are in is refered to in Revelations; God remembers BABALON (Babylon) and her fornications with the kings of the earth (fucking with the world leaders...) and pours upon her the Duble Cup of his WRATH Thus, we can interpret this as Judgement upon the City of Babylon, as well as The Goddess and her transgressions before HIM.
²³Δ - Combined, the cards clearly state their meaning - A Door way/Enterance to/for The Spirit (of whom or what...?)
6:3 Then hen the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, "Come!" And another horse, fiery red, came out, and the one who rode it was granted permission to take peace from the earth, so that people would butcher one another, and he was given a huge sword. Hmmmm. Notice 6:3 (6x3 or 666 or 6³ - another sync)
Compared to "one of the 7 vials of God's Wrath"(or Wraith):
16:4 Then the third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and the springs of water, and they turned into blood.
In Genesis it speaks of 4 bodies of water which surround EDEN - It has always struck me as odd that, before naming the beasts and fowl, the 4 waters are named and located.This is yet another phenomenal key within scripture.
"GIHON" is listed as one of the four bodies of water. "77" related to GIHON by Gemetria, as well as;
The key to the code is in the word HORSE (and HORSEMAN)
Horus was asked as a child which animal he found superior. To the inquisitor's surprise, HORUS replied a "HORSE" - the answer proper was thought to be a lion.Horus explained, "A lion is a superior creature, but with a horse, you can conquer over greater distance as well as a longer time..." (Horus-Horse)
The key is within the word MARE:
Main Entry: mare
Function: noun
Etymology1:Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German mara incubus, Serbo-Croatian mora nightmare;an evil preternatural being causing nightmares
2: female horse or other equine animal especially when fully mature or of breeding age
3:New Latin, from Latin, SEA
4:any of several mostly flat dark areas of considerable extent on the surface of the moon or Mars
The Four Horsemen (or WHoresMen) ride out, in the form of NIGHTMARES. In actuality though, they are hidden clues of the TRUTH of John's vision.
A Mare is SEA - "I heard the second living creature saying, "Come!" And another horse, fiery red, came out, and the one who rode it was granted permission to take peace from the earth, so that people would butcher one another, and he was given a huge sword." Ironic, is it not, that the strike on IRAQ is within the RED SEA? The water that is like unto Blood? (Not the blood of a dead man though...that is the DEAD Sea)
So • We have Gate 77 opening this year,as Gate 93 was opened 99 years ago. Both have the attribute of 23 and all that is locked within that number. Notice also the PATH of the EMPRESS is from Chokmah to Binah (2 to 3...or23) • The attack date as the oddity of 20/03/2003 on Babylon the city (in IRAQ)• BABALON - she is judged or the judge?
Revelations 17
17:1 Then1 one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke to me. "Come," he said, "I will show you the condemnation and punishment of the great prostitute who sits on many waters,with whom the kings of the earth committed sexual immorality and the earth's inhabitants got drunk with the wine of her immorality." Sohe carried me away in the Spirit to a wilderness, and there I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. Now the woman was dressed in purple and scarlet clothing, and adorned with gold,11 precious stones, and pearls. She held12 in her hand a golden cup filled with detestable things and unclean things from her sexual immorality. On her forehead was written a name, a mystery: "Babylon the Great, the Mother of prostitutes and of the detestable things of the earth." I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of those who testified to Jesus. I was greatly astounded when I saw her. But the angel said to me, "Why are you astounded? I will interpret for you the mystery of the woman and of the beast with the seven heads and ten horns that carries her. The beast you saw was, and is not, but is about to come up from the abyss and then go to destruction. The inhabitants of the earth-all those whose names have not been written in the book of life since the foundation of the world-will be astounded when they see that the beast was, and is not, but is to come.(This requires a mind that has wisdom.) The seven heads are seven mountains the woman sits on. They are also seven kings: five have fallen; one is,and the other has not yet come, but whenever he does come, he must remain for only a brief time. The beast that was, and is not, is himself an eighth king and yet is one of the seven, and is going to destruction. The ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but will receive ruling authority29 as kings with the beast for one hour. 17:13 These kings30 have a single intent, and they will give their power and authority to the beast.They will make war with the Lamb, but the Lamb will conquer them, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those accompanying31 the Lamb are the called, chosen, and faithful."
∞ The beast on which she rides relates to Taurus.
∞ "She" is Lady Venus (The LV of the LVX btw)
∞ Notice all the 7's mentioned during the strikes? 7= sword as well as a reference to LV's sphere of Netzach - Forces of Nature/ Sphere of Illusion and a possible nod to GT 77.
∞ On the Empress card, her staff is topped with the symbol of Venus/ Woman and her Shield displays the double Eagle head - A symbol of the ROMAN EMPIRE and the new Rome, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
∞ Fire in Venus, leads me to the worst assumptions in regards to the month of May - But- As LVX23 states, All things renewed by fire
∞ As a side note: In regards to BABALON and her switch in the Atu, 8 to 11, 11 to 8... 11+8=19 - ChVH (Eve), MANIFEST, etc. (see 777)
∞ We all know BLOOD SACRIFICE is/has been used to draw down from the upper realms the HIGHER POWERS (re: OLD ONES) Blood Sacrifice used to open the Door the Spirit - Which one...who?
∞ Of course, VENUS is the 7th planet.
∞ The Sun and Moon aspects of Horus again equate with time.
∞ By far though, the most icredible reference is found i the associations for Sh - Spirit: Herb,Herbage,Tender Grass and BUSH. That is way,way to freaky.
∞ A reference to two towers for 77
∞ If we multiply 3x20 we have 60 -Number of minutes in an hour
∞ 20 - 3 = 17 ( A rich tapestry of symbolism within that #)
∞ Daughter of The Mighty Ones is her title.The Foundation Stone of the Temple of Man The principles of Manifest Existence ("ME"...Lol) The final HE of IHVH ∞ Father, Son,Mother, Daughter ∞
∞The mingling of FIRE and WATER - WORD and FORM - Sulpher and Salt
∞ She is ISIS UNVEILED or THE NAKED LADY VENUS of the "Chymical Marriage of Christian Rosenkrutz" I will reprint that at another point.
∞ The upholders of FORM
∞ Relations to WOMB;GREAT MOTHER;PRIMORDIAL SEA;WATERS OF UNMANIFEST; AMNIOTIC FLUID;ASTRAL LIGHT, which merges in a manner that baffles the mind.Like looking at the eternal reflections of DOUBLE MIRRORS.
∞ "THE LIGHT OF SPIRIT" is the 14th path, as opposed to the 26th,"THE LIGHT OF REASON"
∞ Is this the Manifestation of the Spiritual Truths? The inherent strength and personality of the Highest Vehicle of Man - The Spirit in Manifest.
∞ The biological foundation of Man's existence
∞ The ressurection. The CHILD as a growing point.
There you go - I was reluctant to post this information but - THE LAW IS FOR ALL
Cheers. |