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Battling the PC Police

Haus about we all give each other a big lovely huggle?
06:20 / 25.02.02
Originally posted in the "Causal Racism" thread of the Conversation by Panarchy:

My criticism is not aimed at black people who have a grievance against whites but at the PC brigade who are a bunch of self righteous pricks
PS I don’t think I’ve ever actually met a “PC person” they only seem to exist in the media.

Now, apart from "Panarchy is a bit confused", what can we take from this? How does one battle these invisible media legions of Political Correctness.

Hey, what the Hell does "Political Correctness" mean to you, anyway? Who are "the PC Brigade"? Do they have guns?
No star here laces
06:29 / 25.02.02
Well one might say that this was a thoroughly pointless thread going over territory we have crossed a million times before.

One might say why do you bother starting an argument with someone who is so clearly not worth arguing with.

One might say could this possibly be re-phrased to be just a teensy bit more constructive?
Haus about we all give each other a big lovely huggle?
06:54 / 25.02.02
Come now. That would be political correctness gone mad.
The Natural Way
07:20 / 25.02.02
One might say why do you bother starting an argument with someone who is so clearly not worth arguing with.

What? Fucking hell......

God. Arrrghghhh. Talk about obnoxious... Barbelith: the online community so far up its own arse it doesn't need to engage w/ new posters.

God, you know, you may not like it, but Panarchy's post is indicative of the way a shitload of people talk IRL - people not part of this *community*, or whatever. I know, let's just ignore them, etc. let's limit our cool, enlightened conversation to cool, enlightened 'Lithers. Only they understand.

[ 25-02-2002: Message edited by: Fantastic YOU [I, Runce] ]
Tom Coates
07:35 / 25.02.02
To me, political correctness is an appropriation and mischaracterisation by the right of what decent liberals think is basic human decency - allowing cultures to self-name, arguing for tolerance and help for the disenfranchised.

That's not to say that it hasn't been abused as a platform by individuals with their own agendas, or distorted by both sides at various points to justify their own positions etc. But at heart we're all agreed about what is conceptually ideal - free, equal, non judgmental societies. And that - to me - is what lies behind PC.
Kit-Cat Club
07:54 / 25.02.02
Well... Panarchy's original post illustrates the basic problem with the entire concept of political correctness - which is that it's a media construction (by the right-wing press), which labels some of the basic tenets of liberal thinking on questions of equality as specious and opportunistic... the addition of 'political' to 'correct' implies, to me at any rate, that the beliefs contained under the heading 'poltically correct' are not genuinely held but are instead held for reasons of image. The implication is 'these people don't really believe in the things they espouse, whereas we brave un-PC people are telling it like it really is'. Which is not only incorrect, but insulting - especially to people like me who genuinely believe in 'woolly liberalism' (another derogtory term used by reactionaries).

So Panarchy is probably correct in saying that s/he has only encountered PC-ness in the media, because that's where it is primarily constructed.

As for battling this perception... fuck knows. Read the Guardian?
The Natural Way
08:06 / 25.02.02
Actually engaging in debate/discussion w/ people who go on about"hating PC" etc. might be a good start.
Kit-Cat Club
08:12 / 25.02.02
Isn't that what this is for?
The Natural Way
08:17 / 25.02.02
Oh, I'm not talking about you, Tom or Haus (tho' the sarcasm, etc. might well do more harm than good sometimes) - just digging at Lyra's thoroughly unhelpful morning mood.
The Natural Way
08:19 / 25.02.02

[ 25-02-2002: Message edited by: You and Runce ]
The Planet of Sound
12:37 / 25.02.02
I liked the attempt a while back to re-appropriate the term from right wing commentators by accusing them of being 'politically sound' ie eurosceptic, homophobic, public school educated, blue rinse and handbag. PC's what people accuse you of being when you don't laugh at their offensive jokes, isn't it?

Isn't it odd how many things PC does stand for? Police Constable, Personal Computer, Political Correctness. Fair makes you think.
No star here laces
13:38 / 25.02.02
Yeah, was going to apologise for that post, but figured anyone who could read the date and time on it would understand...
The Natural Way
13:47 / 25.02.02
At home to Mr. Grumpy, eh?

I understand. In fact, this morning I was so shitty I actually told a magazine vendor (not the homeless kind) to "fuck off shoving that rag in my face!"

I'd never normally do that kind of thing, because

A) I'm a bit of a pansy, really


B) I'm not a shithead.

Felt very guilty and stupid afterwards.

Anyway....err...don't know what all that was about...going now...
Polly Trotsky
15:27 / 25.02.02
An abbreviated yet rich history of PC, originally posted here after another such statement led to a minor scuffle.

quote:a site that claims the OED defines politically correct as: a body of liberal or radical opinion, esp. on social matters, characterized by the advocacy of approved causes or views, and often by the rejection of language, behaviour, etc. considered discriminatory or offensive.

The site also claims the term was first used in 1789, to precisely clarify the difference between “United States” and “people of the United States.” The OED usage apparently arose circa 1970, and persisted into the 80’s.

Peter Ives notes that charged debates between feminist and marxist scholars over which analytical perspective – gender-based or class-based – was more correct institutionalized the term. conservatives (admittedly also a charged term) skillfully twisted the meaning into what we see today, a parody of the OED definition centered on the derision of “approved causes or views.” In 1977 the New York Times first used politically correct to paraphrase a radical statement, and the abbreviation PC was apparently first used by The Washington Post in 1986.

quote:Peter Ives, “In Defense of Jargon” 1997

With the clever manipulation of the term 'politically correct,' the Right has managed to get many people on the Left to tacitly accept its logic. The only thing that all the perspectives that are slandered with the term 'politically correct' have in common is that conservatives are against them. It is only from a conservative perspective that a concept of 'politically correct' as a derogatory epithet makes sense. In the past, the fact that these diverse struggles have common enemies has been used positively to build alliances. But for the past decade, partially due to successful use of jargon, conservatives have used this one attribute to slag a host of progressive movements and pit them against one another. This overtly political perspective has been smuggled into everyone's minds and language including not only the mainstream of society, but also Left, progressive people. Without thinking about it, we strengthen the worldview that we oppose by using its language. But we can also learn from this example how a well-placed phrase can do so much work in changing how people view the world. . We need to take heed of this example, and follow it for our own purposes.
m. anthony bro
16:51 / 25.02.02
If people don't want to think, then use opf "politically correct" an ideal way not to do it. Everything that is PC is one of two things:
1- Low to medium level bigotry with guilt redistributed
2- An unwillingness to think of new arguments

fig 1.1 Two men in a shop, discussing the amount of Pacific Islanders out in town today
A - mate, there's a lot of coconuts out today.
B- oooh, don't let the PCs hear you say that

translation: (A) I don't undestand Pacific Islanders (B) Luckily, your bigotry is not your fault

fig 2.1
A- So, I say that there's no logical reason why gay people shouldn't be allowed to marry
B- You're so PC
[trans (A) So, I say that there's no logical reason why gay people shouldn't be allowed to marry (B) I do not wish to think of arguments.

Above everything else, it's my hot-button phrase, the one that makes me the maddest, because it doesn't really mean anything about the person who is being accused, and thus blocks the proceedings of the conversation a lot.

in summary, I should like to say grrrFUCKgrrr. Thank you.
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