...on the overuse of antibiotics front, I hear that Singapore is actually the worst place in the world because you can get antibiotics over the counter...and from this study it's the low dosages that are a problem...
Both of these are excellent points. However, I would remind you that antibiotic resistance is unlikely to be a factor here. Even if this problem does turn out to be caused by bacteria, antibiotic resistance isn't an issue until they begin treatments. Antibiotic resistance is great for resisting antibiotics, but it doesn't create super-bacteria. 
Micro-organisms as I understand it, do mutate more rapidly when exposed to UV radiation sure they do without it but I can't see how an environmental catalyst such as increased radioactivity won't mean an increased level of random mutation, or do they just mutate like bastards anyway.
It is true that ultraviolet light causes mutations in all living organisms. It is also true that these mutations can be beneficial for evolution. My argument is that any selection pressure to benefit from mutations will quickly lead to a decrease in the organism's ability to repair DNA. Basically, bacteria are already at the level of optimal mutations regardless of their environments. However, this happens a lot faster in the "create more mutations" process than in the "create less mutations" process. In other words, it's easier to screw a complex system up than it is to fix it.
...a steadily increasing likelihood of getting cancer expected to rise to 100% for men in the next few years...
That's primarily due to the fact that we've wiped out most of the things that kill you before you get cancer.
I live in Brighton In the UK.
Odd, maybe if you guys ate more like us Americans, you wouldn't be so frail and sick. Mmmm, food. 
What disturbs me is the fact that a subtle but recognisable level peoples immune systems are simply not up to it....Now in the developing world people tend to be a bit tougher.
All joking aside, I'm really going to want to see some evidence on this before I start accepting it. The people all around me couldn't be healthier, and all the data I've seen regarding the developing world indicates that their health is no where near optimal.
The clear cutting thing means roads going into jungles and improved links with the microbiological world.
The microbiological world is the entire planet, including the bacteria that live on and in us. It's not like all the bacteria are stalking around in the jungle, looking for poor unsuspecting humans to mob and attack. 
On the xenotransplantion issue. Pursue other means.
What happens if people die because these other means don't turn out to be viable?
Forest gets thinned to make way for road, isolated population of germ-carrying monkeys suddenly has road going through front yard, hungry trucker pulls over for the night, shoots monkey for dinner, then does a lot of sneezing on his route from Nairobi to Gaborone (or wherever).
Are there any proven instances of this occurring? And, is this really a more likely scenario than say, this:

Say there's something a bit nasty around but not to worry 'cos it isn't that infectious and doesn't kill that many people. Reckon you could spin that one out far longer, perhaps...
This sort of conspiracy is unlikely to work for very long. You basically have to find every health care provider who can discover what the problem is and find a way to shut them up. Let's consider three things:
1) The people who choose to work in science and medicine are, as a general rule, almost fanatically concerned with preserving and improving human life. Are you going to attempt to bribe someone who, on average, could be making twice as much with a business degree? Threatening families could work, but it is quite likely to make people unpredictable, and you have to find someone who is both trustworthy and willing to do it.
2) You have to make your own plans for minimizing the damage that will occur in your country. This means preparing health care providers with the necessary resources and direction. How the hell are you going to do this without arousing a little bit of suspision?
3) The tests for a lot of these diseases really aren't that difficult to perform.
The Guys In Charge right now are famous for exploiting End Times rhetoric.
Who are these Guys in Charge? |