Not my idea(been listening to R4's In Our Time again), but thought it'd be interesting to discuss here.
The topic is Redemption.
How does it function in contemporary society, how is this primarily Judeo-Christian idea(? is this correct? It's my impression that in the Western world at least, the origins of redemption as a driving human force lie with Judaism/Christianity) changed in its secular applications?
Listening to the program, I found the notion that the opportunity for redemption, whether moral, economic, biological/medico-sociological, political, is a highly influential concept, (in the Western world) highly convincing...
And is not untopical, given that in the UK at least, we have a premier who seems to be consoling himself at times notion that history/his God will redeem him, if he's judged and found wanting at this time, politically and/or morally. Redemption intervenes in world politics...
There are many strands to redemption. As I understand it, it predicates something in one's situation being found wanting, and then holds out the possibility for this to be changed. Is redemption a fundamentally optimistic concept? However, it also demands that you be judged by something/someone else and found wanting...
This is a very attractive proposal, and seductive, in that whatever 'human nature' is, it's very easy (especially right now?) to convince us that there's something wanting. And it's very comforting to think that there's a path to redemption. Especially, I'd say, in secular versions (J-C redemption being very much tied to conditions, suffering, making difficult choices in a way that doesn't apply to for example, advertising's use of the concept of redemptive consumption...). Someone else will take us in hand, save us...
In the C19/20 we can see the notion of redemption played out/as fundamental in for example Marx, Freud, Sartre (and from what i know of them, the German/French philosophical schools in general (as opposed to the US/UK schools), especially in existential thought).
Redemptions feeds into the creeping medicalisation of western societies... if you're born 'wrong' you can be corrected (eg via plastic surgery, genetics) and you'll be happier...As well as in the prevalance of 'therapy culture', solving 'us', that if we undergo a process, we will be redeemd...
Redemption narratives (and perhaps this is significant in why we work so easily with redemption, it's a *narrative* concept), successful or more often unsuccessful, are meat and drink for creatives... How much art, literature, film, music has this at its heart?
Now somebody come and tell me i'm talking shite about Judeo-Christian thinking, or anything else. |