ooh look, she couldn't satisfy her man!
is that directed at me?
i did ressurect this thread, and i did it by suggesting she might have read a marriage book, so i assume it is.
all things considered, go fuck yourself.
it was a cheap shot, sure.
it wasnt because i find her to be a lesser woman as a failed wife, or some bullshit like that. it was because she is an irritating, stupid and altogether selfish person, and i feel the need to attack people like that with gentle mockery.
attack me with mockery in return, sure.
next time i will think twice about throwing a cheap shot at a celebrity whose career and lifestyle(lets be blunt here) only exist because of our willingness to entertain thoughts of her and talk about her.
her music is fucking shit, and her entire life recently has been subsidised by the media frenzy she and her hubby can generate. i dont think its entirely down to him, and no, i dont think of her as some succubus, draining englands hope dry. (they fucking deserve each other, in my opinion. and i reckon we probably deserve them too)
i think she probably said what she said for the buzz; people will say anything to look clever and interesting. its a shame for her that i interpreted her insight as a shallow admission of a narrow mind, but it is only a wee bit of a shame. the column inches she will rack up(or did rack up, this was two years ago) in negative publicity will probably outweigh the positive.
loadsa publicity = continued life of reilly for stupidetta mcprissypants
I love the fact that[...]I love the way that, whenever someone points out the amount of class-based elitism on Barbelith, they get accused of "romanticising" or "glamourising" the working classes (because it's romantic and glamorous to view "them" as valid human beings like you and me!).
stop yammering about all this love and tell us why it is perfectly tenable to go about bragging about being less well-read. explain the counter point so that we may yield to your mighty levelling influence.
Most of all, I love the fact that not one single person has had anything bad to say about James Ellroy saying almost the same damn thing. Because James Ellroy is coooool.
i'm sorry, i missed him saying that. possibly because his entire life is not broadcast and sold off in bite size chunks to magazines and TeeVee companies.
sounds like he's an arrogant wanker too. sorry, is that too gender specific? i like men, honestly, its just sometimes i say wanker. i know, its only serving to uphold the masturbarchy, or something.
see me? its always an ism. cept when its an -ogyny.
fuck, dude, get over yourself.
if it was your hate-quest i was pissing on, you'd be calling me fucking borecore, or some shit.
and i'm with haus.
devouring the produce of the creative is not in itself very creative. then again, neither is ms beckham... |