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So what was your most memorable fist fight?


Page: 12(3)

Goodness Gracious Meme
22:42 / 03.03.03
Oh, and in answer to nesh's earlier qu, I count myself very lucky not to have found myself on the receiving end of something much worse. And I'm not exactly a hawk.

Oh, and I was 12 or 13. Agree utterly with what someone (Haus?) said about how this behaviour is part of being a child, that we hopefully leave behind.

As kids we don't have the filters, checks and balances that we hopefully accrue, through socialisation and maturity. So I don't think the odd childhood experience of violence working will neccessarily mean someone evolves into a 'hawk', unless it's backed up with adolescent/adult experience of the same.
The Tower Always Falls
03:53 / 04.03.03
Huh. Well, put me in the "got ass kicked never really had much of an actual fight" camp...

But I felt the need to relate this story. A friend's birthday party and another friend of ours had brought this rather silly new boyfriend. (he was a rebound boy, so the friend in question didn't even take him that seriously...) well, Fight Club was just making the rounds in the popular culture right around then. I remember at least five different people at various points spouting that "I want you to hit me as hard as you can" line. And sorry kids, but if you aren't lit dramatcially and directed by Fincher- you reveal yourself as a real big dork saying that line...

So this guy is spouting this line to everyone. And we're all trying to laugh it off, but he is getting really obnoxious about it. So finally, he walks up to some guy (the bass player of some punk band, I think...) and goes

dork:"Come on man, I want you to hit me as hard as you can..."

skinny 17-year old punk kid : *shurgs* okay.

So he kicks him in the balls. Fight over. If you've never seen a goth get kicked in the balls, I highly recommend it. The excess of eyeliner makes the moment where their eyes bulge out of their head that much more entertaining.

Lesson: Wear a cup when trying to act like Brad Pitt in Fight Club. Unless the idea of loosing what little image you siphoned from action heroes to the reality of you being laughed at while weeping and trembling on the floor holding your squashed testicles atrracts you for some odd reason.
09:15 / 04.03.03
On a related note they had a fight club event in Dublin at the end of last year with 2500 euro as the prize money. I saw a poster on Sunday for the latest one with 4000 as the prize. Goes to show that somebody's interested in this shit.
Here's an article on it:
09:44 / 04.03.03
All but one of the fights I've ever been in were when I was a child, only one as an adult. It wasn't so much a fight as being wacked over the head by a torch at Glastonbury and then wandering off bleeding copiously. Three guys were mugging someone and I was caught between the instinct to help and self preservation, before one of them wacked me. Was annoyed that I wasn't able to actually help the poor guy being mugged, he looked terrified.
As for when I was at school, was bullied and became gradually more and more of a nutter in response, but then game then got to be who could make me go off on one and chase someone round beating them with a ruler. Not really a proud tradition of fistfighting, I keep a much better grip on my temper now I hope. Only time I did the red mists thing was on an outdoor pursuits weekend when I came to beating someone round the head with a oar. Not something really to be proud of so I try to avoid violence, I know I'm not that good at it and I don't like pain
10:07 / 04.03.03
I've only ever hit a person once in my life! It was about 12 years ago in Adelaide, Australia, at an annual German beer drinking and shooting festival callled the Schutzenfest. Obviously everyone was drunk. I was making my way to the toilet block when I spotted two girls I know being hassled by some blubbering idiot so I detoured towards them, said hi, they said hi back and ran away leaving ME with this guy. "My name is Walter! I am a human being!" he proclaimed loudly. "Hello Walter, I'll be going now" I replied. He poked me in the chest and shouted "I love my wife, you are SICK!!". "Um, OK. Whatever. Byeeee".


"You're a loony is what you are mate" I muttered just quietly enough for him not to hear as I turned to walk away. There was quite a crowd surrounding us and watching by now. He grabbed me, started slamming his open palm against my chest and kept telling me I was sick. I had sunglasses on a cord around my neck, he broke one of the arms off and bent the frame with his hand as he hit me. I reacted. I closed my hand into a fist and slammed it hard against the side of his head sending him flying off sideways and landing him flat on his back. The crowd cheered and applauded, I bowed and walked away as Walter started to get back up again.

I know it wasn't the most elegant or stylish of hits but it's my only one and I was quite proud of it at the time. My friends still send me up about my personal style.
Old brown-eye is back
11:23 / 04.03.03
Which HHH vs Cactus Jack thing are we talking about here - the Street Fight where Hunter gets suplexed on to that splintery old wooden palate, or the Hell in a Cell where Foley gets dropped through the cage and then goes through the ring as well?
11:40 / 04.03.03
I was talking about Undertaker v's Mankind - Hell in the Cell when Mick goes off the side - most memorable fight ever!
11:49 / 04.03.03
But going through the cage was against the Undertaker, wassn't it? The big Cactus jack/Triple H showdown was at Wrestlemania, when Mick Foley had been forced to take the Cactus Jack persona out of mothballs to battle the brutality of Triple H...
11:52 / 04.03.03
Yup that's it, I can't fight you but I know someone who can *pulls off mask* BANG BANG

Most memorable pre-match build up.

Anyone know where I can download the Hell in Cell?
Old brown-eye is back
12:05 / 04.03.03
There were two pre-Wrestlemania pay per view showdowns - Cactus Jack's return against Hunter in a Streetfight and then again in a retirement match Hell in a Cell. If memory serves, the HHH/Cactus Jack thing at Wrestlemania that year was a Fatal Four Way with The Rock, The Big Show and a McMahon in each corner. (And yes, the night of Cactus Jack's return is absolutely the best pop ever.)

I don't know how you can get hold of it, but the Hell in a Cell you're thinking of - where Undertaker throws Mankind off of the cell and on to a table, and JR shouts They've killed him! - was from King of the Ring '98.

Bang! and indeed, Bang!
Old brown-eye is back
12:30 / 04.03.03
My God, what have I done with my life.......
12:35 / 04.03.03
Somebody stop the DAMN THREAD

Mourne Kransky
15:52 / 04.03.03
Oh no no no... I may disapprove of casual violence as a social interaction but all this testosterone floating about is turning me on.

Oi! You! Bear! Outside! NOW! (Go fight someone and I'll take pictures... )

I've surrendered the moral high ground, haven't I?
16:49 / 04.03.03
ah, well, someones got to be coarse and disgusting. let others feel superior while we get in on the action.

hows the lighting in this alley?
23:50 / 04.03.03
The pre-HHH fight thing was amazing. With Dude Love appearing on the Titantron and bowing out of the fight claiming he was "unavailable". Then Mankind coming out and saying he has another "friend" he'd like to introduce to the WWF. Finally Cactus Jack comes out and the arena explodes.

Worth it just for the bad acting fear on Hunter's face.
Old brown-eye is back
07:57 / 05.03.03
"I may disapprove of casual violence as a social interaction..."

Ok. What about social interaction as casual violence?
Old brown-eye is back
12:08 / 05.03.03
It was HHH's reaction to seeing Cactus Jack rise from the grave that made the pop, I think you'll find.
The Falcon
23:53 / 05.03.03
It was the tacks in the ring, during the actual fight, when I came to realise I was watching WWF history in the making.

I normally prefer the montage bits, with music played over them - they're normally the most exciting. But not this time...
22:32 / 06.03.03
Everytime Foley stepped in the ring you felt there was the chance wrestling history would be made. Especially at a main event.

I've really got to dig out that Hell in a Cell.
Jack Denfeld
15:16 / 03.10.03
The "Man Vs Woman Fight" threadmade me remember about this one. So, anyone been in a fight recently.

Also, while reviewing this thread, I have changed my mind about fighting being a normal way of life. Maybe it's not as common as I thought, as I haven't been in a fist fight since this thread originally appeared. I mean maybe it is normal, just not as common as I once thought. Or maybe I'm just getting old.
16:19 / 03.10.03
Night before last...shirts off!

I was picked up and slammed into fridge. I grab a hold of the rafters and kick ripped french stud in the chest. I let go of rafters and jump down. We face off again. He backhands me good and I deliver a right hook to his jaw. I avoid his grasp until finally, he has me in a headlock. So I flip him over slamming him on the ground.

Yum..pinned. Oops...nope...flipped!

'Tis all in good fun.
17:03 / 03.10.03
oh yes may. although I personally draw the line at actual hitting or kicking, I too enjoy a good, hot rumble in the name of fun
17:20 / 03.10.03

...but only if I get huggles after!
17:36 / 03.10.03
oh my. it's warm in here, innit?
17:55 / 03.10.03
Round 2, Kittie? ::huggles::

To be sure fighting is a blast, but there have been times it wasn't for me, like when I hit my girlfriend. In all fairness, she slapped me first, and I probably deserved it, but it was the first tme I actually bloodied anyone....with one uppercut to her jaw. After I hit her I just looked at her and wondered why her teeth were all pink...well, duh!

That wasn't a good fight and I still miss her sometimes.
Jack Denfeld
12:58 / 23.04.04
Most of you newbies seem like violent little fuckers/ So let's hear it.
Char Aina
18:26 / 23.04.04
them's scared, misterrobotsir.
salix lucida
18:55 / 23.04.04
I think the only fistfight I've been in since grade school was with a now-ex that decided to cross the line between emotional and physical abuse.

Wound up throwing him into a wall, I did, and that pretty much ended it.

I rather wish I had friends I was more evenly matched with to kick it back Fight Club with now and then. While I never really have cared about discussions of the Deep Things that movie/book may or may not be about, I definately grok the need to wail on somebody in a nonsexual context now and then. Maybe I just need a martial arts hobby.
Benny the Ball
10:43 / 24.04.04
I used to work out in a boxing club gym (though you wouldn't think it to see me - the words work out, don't go with love handles) and they asked me to spar with a couple of the boxers there, I got roped in to being a spar/punching bag because it basically became apparent that although I couldn't punch for shit, I could be hit for ages. Basically sums up just about every fight i've been in, as a pacifist I tend not to hit, but as the tall one in most groups, if trouble brews, I tend to get hit first (and trouble brewed weekly in Reading Town, fucking shit university that it was, mummble mummble). I have hit twice though, when I was younger at primary school and nursary. First a kid who always showed off his new toys, whereas money wasn't readily available for me, so I cut all the images of the star wars toys out of the back of the packet and played with them, and he poured them down the drain, so I punched him. Second time was a load mouthed kid at primary school who kept cussing me mum, so I hit him. But that's it. Although I did once accidently hit a girl (flayng arms syndrome) whilst playing 'had' and felt so bad that I climbed into a tree and hid for four hours.
11:18 / 24.04.04
Lord Morgue
14:52 / 13.06.04
Life is violence. From the men in the abbotoir who kill the animals you eat, to the men in far countries who kill the animals who want to kill you, to the bouncer in the nightclub who gets a knife in the gut so YOU don't have to, to the cop and the prison guard and the bounty hunter who keep you separate from the REAL scum, even if you denounce violence, it is the blood of men of violence that sustains you, that allows you to draw breath to call them monsters.
Consider how long you would last in a lawless, borderless land where you have to do your own fighting, your own killing, or die, watch those you love die? Those countries exist, and there but for the grace of men of violence go you. You cannot end violence with appeasement- the wicked will take all you have, then take you. You cannot reason with evil, it will laugh as it cuts your throat. Evil will only respect a power greater than it's own, will only stop from fear, not remorse or pity or satiation, fear of violence wielded by the just. The monks of China were Buddhists, and denounced violence, but trained a lifetime in the martial arts. Why? Because they knew the only hand worthy of the sword was one who knew full well the implications of wielding it on living flesh, yet still chose to do so, not out of anger or revenge or fear, but justice, the greater good, and the preservation of innocent life. When I teach people to hurt and maim, I tell them that yes, violence is a disease, but disease is part of life. What we do in the confines of the Dojo is immunisation, as you immunise against the killer smallpox with the lesser cowpox, you immunise against the lethal attack of the mugger or rapist or terrorist with the smaller violence of fighting with friends, in a controlled environment, in safety. All animals fight, all animals playfight. We play, to teach us to survive life, which is violence, whether we have to face the violence ourselves or not.
15:02 / 13.06.04
Sweep the leg, Johnny.
16:45 / 13.06.04
Not quite a manly brawl by any means, but I got into a little tussle with an aquaintence over at his house while coincidentally being on mushrooms for the first time. Funny how putting me in a casual headlock while seated in a butterfly chair turns into an application of joint-manipulation theory. It didn't get too far since it was all a bit strange to begin with. It might have also been the sounds of people getting ready for church outside the window that put things in perspective.

Instinct kicks in at funny times...
Lord Morgue
16:45 / 13.06.04
White Crane!

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