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So what was your most memorable fist fight?


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13:46 / 28.02.03
I hate it when my love objects secretly live with other people...
yawn - thing's buddy
13:56 / 28.02.03
nah, not research. not really. more like facination.

I wrote a comic book (its been drawn, looks beautiful and is ready to go, but I'm a lazy publicist) about surveillance culture and it's fusion with the spectacle. It concerns a violent assault which is captured on cctv and then used to promote a trashy tv programme called Burd's Eye View, which unsurprisingly shows footage from CCTV cameras.


its very violent and I found myself wearing several rather uncomfortable fiction suits in order to generate the script.

A major strand of the text deals with the victim coming to terms with his beating.

On completion of the script I decided to go to Euro 2000 in Belgium because at the time, Brussels was erupting into one big street fight, which I found fasciniating.

The way it was transformed by gangs of men using anything for a weapon was of interest to me.

I watched a couple of Turks jump in an old BMW and reverse ramraid a pub full of English. I watched Belgian Police smash skulls and 'ordinary' English fans rip up cobbles in the bloodlust and use them as missiles.

And all the while cameras rolled.

As you'd expect, for someone so close to the action, I ended getting set upon by a group of thugs and took a good kicking.

It was the only time in my life when I felt I had absolutely no control.

I then set about coming to terms with my kicking and tweaked my script.
14:09 / 28.02.03
14:11 / 28.02.03
To expand...that is bloody intense, yawn. Wow.

Don't be such a lazy publicist...get that comic out there, man!
yawn - thing's buddy
14:44 / 28.02.03
It was all an unhappy co-incidence rather than a mad plan - but it keyed into the concept of events causing ripples backwards and forward in time.

Yknow - maybe I wrote the script in response to the kicking I got in the future.
Char Aina
02:02 / 01.03.03
preparing yourself for the kicking by giving yourself a framework within which to experience it, you mean? as a writer working on a book, not just a guy in a street?

as a bit of a tangent, do you guys who are staunchly anti-violent-play think sports like boxing or muay thai are fair enough then, or do they upset you too?
The Falcon
03:00 / 01.03.03
I got punched a few times at New Year by Dundee's answer to the Blazin' Squad.

I've never hit anyone first, but I've never taken a kicking. I think I've been in seven fights in my life. Last proper one was, about four years ago, me and a mate being attacked by four guys a year younger than us outside a party, which we were attending and they were not. This may have been the reason they started, I dunno. I was quite impressive, decking an admittedly drunk future-bouncer with one punch after he'd eventually connected with my face after a few dreadful mis-swings and my taunting him. But my mate was, whilst being kicked by the other two headering the antagonist who'd caused the whole thing into the pavey.

It was quite the bonding experience.

Anyway, I don't want to mislead youse - I'm not a particularly big, in physique terms, guy. I don't love fighting, by any means.

I'd kick fuck out of Cholister's ex-boyfriend given the opportunity, though. As I would the ex-boyfriend of an ex of mine. Same reason. Is this justifiable? I think so.
The Falcon
03:05 / 01.03.03
Also, there are people who like to fight, but if carried out according to Henry Rollins' analogy of his punk days - it's like asking for a dance; you don't want to fight anyone who doesn't want to fight - I think that's fine too. Adrenaline is a drug.

I'm getting quite adrenalised typing this, actually.
Jack Denfeld
05:08 / 01.03.03
Well I guess the best advice for those who don't want to fight is to continue with that desire. If you are in a fighting kind of mood you somehow attract the people with that same feeling. They can sense you, like Highlander.

Fighting just brings out the most intense feelings. The adrenaline rush after the fight is the strangest thing. After most fights I'm just a ball of nervous energy and emotion. Strange, because you'd think you would have expended all that energy in the fight. I'll analyze every detail of it when I go to sleep for days.

I haven't actually had a proper fist fight in about a year or so. My last fight was fun, if not a bit clichéd. It was a classic setup. Me and my friends playing pool, and one big drunk guy going from table to table bullying people. I stood up to the guy, we fight, I (the good guy) win, and the bully runs out. It was almost as if the whole thing were scripted. Like we were both playing roles in a generic fight scene. I wonder if he thought of this.

And I don't think that a person's opinion on fist fights has much to do with whether they are pro war or not. For example I don't think Bush Jr. busted any heads in as a student in Yale.
07:40 / 01.03.03
Sound like those who use the 'stand up to the Iraqi bully' argument are talking out of their arses then, eh?
Harrison Ford, in a battle suit, wheels for feet, knives and guns
14:31 / 01.03.03
I like a fight, now and again, keeps you connected, feeling alive.
Most memorable fight I had was when this prick pissed on my feet in the toilet at my old local pub, when I was at Uni in Cardiff. My feet stunk, the fucker had to bloody pay. I pushed the cheecky bastard and ask he what the fuck he thought he was up to. He tried to tell me it was a friggin accident, then did it again!
I Shouted at the scrauny little prick "You're gonna pay for that Fucker". Then I walked into the bar and his mate punched me in the head, so that was bloody it. I grabbed the bastard that twated me and smashed his head into the bar then threw him over it. Meanwhile his mate, the "pisser" was trying to do a bunk, me girlfriend had gotta hold of the prick and was kickin his friggin teeth in. After that we took him in the bogs and i held him down while Sharon pissed on him.
It was hillarious, i'll never get the look on his face as Sharon beared her twat and slashed on him, fucking crack up.
Rev. Orr
15:32 / 01.03.03
Yeah, I just love that adrenaline rush after the fight. Nothing beats that sensation that spirals up inside you as your reason and higher brain functions continue to try to talk him out of attacking you. The way your chest tightens, your heart races and your peripheral vision closes off in a grey fog, The tiny tremors in your hands, the feeling that something is rising within you, shunting off to one side all that makes you you, more than an animal, more than the primitive. The terror of losing control and of what you are capable of doing to another human being.

You know what’s even better though? It’s all the sensations that flow through you if you don’t get the fight. You know the ones I mean. What could be more fun than walking home shaking uncontrollably, bruising your knuckles on a tree because you fear it’s going to escape you at some point and you’re not alone? Vomiting and flashbacks for the next couple of days even though ‘nothing happened’?

Grow the fuck up, Jack. Fighting isn’t a male rite of passage, it’s not a reasonable response to drunken morons hassling you. It’s released, unchecked violence. It’s revelling in the fact that we still have the capacity to dominate another, physically. It’s abandoning all that we have slowly evolved into for the fleeting pleasure of seeing fear in an enemy’s eyes. I guess you don’t still hold guilt for what you did over twenty years ago, I’m assuming you’ve never come to your senses in the middle of a local park terrified of what you can’t remember doing. I hope you’ve never felt an overwhelming sense of relief and self-loathing when you realise that the blood flowing down your arm is yours and not anyone else’s even though you don’t know why it’s there.

It’s because of people like you that I don’t go to nightclubs. It’s because of people like you that I know what it feels like to have a chair smashed over me because someone wasn’t getting enough of a buzz out of drinking and dancing. This isn’t ‘Highlander’, someone is search of a fight will pick the most likely target, but they don’t have a sixth sense as to who’s ‘up for it’. Violence is not served solely on the deserving or willing. No-one picks a fight hoping to lose. Think I’m over-reacting? Then stop endorsing casual violence because the effects are never casual, short-ranging or temporary. There is no good fight, there is no just war. There is only rage, pain, blood and guilt.
Char Aina
15:54 / 01.03.03
It’s because of people like you that I don’t go to nightclubs. It’s because of people like you that I know what it feels like to have a chair smashed over me because someone wasn’t getting enough of a buzz out of drinking and dancing.

Think I’m over-reacting? Then stop endorsing casual violence because the effects are never casual, short-ranging or temporary.

man, no one here is talking about battering you for being out and in the way.

the talk is of fighting folks at school, over kid disputes, fighting your mates, and defending your self.

at least, thats how i read it. we are not advocating hooliganism, and to suggest that we are is like saying pro weed=pro drugs=pro smack. its taking it too seriously. i think there is a place for fighting, and if you dont like it, you dont have to join in.

violence sucks if you dont want it, but if you are a willing participant, then what the hell is the problem?

again, what about boxing?

how does your moral high horse take to lennox lewis?
Spatula Clarke
16:24 / 01.03.03
I'd say that there's a good chance that everyone who's expressed similar thoughts to And/Orr will be of the opinion that boxing is a brutal, pointless excuse for a sport and shouldn't really have any place in a supposedly intelligent, decent society.

Moral high horse. You never manage to amaze me, toksik.
yawn - thing's buddy
16:27 / 01.03.03
shut up, scottish: funny as fuck wee tale.

recognise the voice.

spek to ya.

I like this kinda thread.

Reveals all that is good and bad about this place.
Mourne Kransky
17:06 / 01.03.03
Think there's quite a gulf between Lennox Lewis engaging in ritualised combat and the charming Cardiff night out that SHUT UP, SCOTTISH describes but you would see both of those behaviours in the playground.

The first is fighting with a safety net and more in keeping with the aggression that's played out in lots of sports. It is about people releasing aggression and skilfully gaining the upper hand but not about humiliation. That goes on in the public psyching out beforehand, although there's never much of a war of words with Lewis.

The second is being incapable of resolving disagreements, hurts or perceived slights with any degree of emotional intelligence. You see little psychopaths in the making in every school playground, happy to beat up a "scrawny little fucker" and get his friends to join in the humiliation of a carefully selected victim. It's all about the buzz the individual gets from this acting out, the instant emotional high, and achieves no other purpose. Amongst the bottom feeders, every shouty, aggressive little nyaff who doesn't wise up with age and experience will, in turn, get his comeuppance from someone less drunk or defter with his fists.

The problem is they'll hurt a lot of other people before it happens. Vets have a good solution for excessively aggressive behaviour. I wonder if that would work on George W Bush, who is essentially buzzing on bloodlust, knowing that he has the hardware to make easy meat of Saddam, in the short term. Same worldview. I imagine he'd signpost it by capitalising his fictionsuit too, if he posted here.

I am perhaps jaundiced by my experience of restraining and controlling mentally ill people who, because of their delusions and fear, occasionally will behave violently. It's not the norm and even people who are psychotic are no more likely to harm others physically than the population in general, but you do see time after time what a maladaptive response violence is, whatever the situation.

In view of the above, it's unsurprising that I have been in lots of fights but seldom have come to grief. On a couple of occasions I have been beaten up badly and you have to jump through a lot of mental hoops in order to get back to normal function. But fighting back and hurting someone else would only have made it all harder to deal with.
Lurid Archive
17:48 / 01.03.03
I'm none too keen on fighting. I've never been in a fight, perhaps because I am too large to intimidate and too much of a hippy coward to be provoked. As for boxing, I'm not really keen on that either. I don't think it should be made illegal, as that would cause a whole
heap of problems, but I don't like it.

One could argue that boxing is a means whereby the poor provide entertainment by letting their bodies be pummelled, but that makes boxers sound too passive. I can't say I respect it as a sport.

As for the consent between people who want to fight. Thats ok. If you want to fight, go ahead. Though I'd prefer people not do it in public -start yourselves a fight club to beat eachothers brains out. Can't say I see it as a noble rite of passage, though. Sad expression of frustration perhaps. There are so many ways to physically compete that a preference for violence must be motivated by a destructive need.
Harrison Ford, in a battle suit, wheels for feet, knives and guns
18:32 / 01.03.03
Will everyone just calm down before someone gets punched in the face by some janner with the egg.

Na me though i'm not the janner, just ney like gettin twatted or slashed on.
Bill Posters
21:04 / 01.03.03
You know what’s even better though? It’s all the sensations that flow through you if you don’t get the fight. You know the ones I mean. What could be more fun than walking home shaking uncontrollably, bruising your knuckles on a tree because you fear it’s going to escape you at some point and you’re not alone? Vomiting and flashbacks for the next couple of days even though ‘nothing happened’?

Amen 2 that.
Char Aina
21:21 / 01.03.03

Moral high horse. You never manage to amaze me, toksik

why thank you very much. never has so nice a compliment been paid to me, nor to my work. you sir, have made my day, and i shall now renounce my destructive ways, hitherto an expression of my frustration at my lack of supportive words from friends.

now i wont have to attack all those innocent people in the shopping centre any more.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:27 / 01.03.03
how does your moral high horse take to lennox lewis?
How's yours take to Mike Tyson?
Harrison Ford, in a battle suit, wheels for feet, knives and guns
21:29 / 01.03.03
now i wont have to attack all those innocent people in the shopping centre any more. #Toksik

No one is innocent in the shopping centre. Some places are fair fucking game. Especially the lairy bastards in the pushchairs, those fuckers will rue the day, RUE THE DAY!!

Bloody Half Pints
Jack Denfeld
01:45 / 02.03.03
Well, if you make it a habit to tell people with differing opinions to "Grow the fuck up." and don't like to fight it would probably be in your best interest to avoid the nightclub and any other public place.
The Falcon
06:22 / 02.03.03
Oh, look. Someone made a rape reference.

Very good.
The Return Of Rothkoid
09:38 / 02.03.03
More about the eating of ears, actually. You know, the whole noble art, etc, etc versus a bit of body-noshing.

But your mileage may vary.
10:50 / 02.03.03
I avoid violence like the plague. Well, that kind, anyway (I've been part of an angry mob a few times, but that's never worked out too well either.) I have a moral problem with it... but a lot of it is also to do with the fact that it scares me and I find it unpleasant. And I'm not very good at it.

Pretty much every fight I've ever had hasn't involved me throwing any punches. Just receiving them.

Again... if it's consenting adults that like fighting... fair enough. A lot of people like golf, and I don't understand that either.
The Falcon
04:09 / 03.03.03
More about the eating of ears, actually. You know, the whole noble art, etc, etc versus a bit of body-noshing.

But your mileage may vary.

Ah, fair enough. I was very drunk 'n' tired when I wrote that. And I thought we were seeing the Barbelith conversation cycle in action (re: Moby thread.)

Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
14:46 / 03.03.03
I try to stay away from fist fights. I'm pretty small (six feet tall and not quite 150lbs), so my strategy is to avoid physical confrontation until his gaurd is down, and then to hit him in the throat and work him over while he's on the ground. After that, if the guy can still stand up and come after me, I'll let him beat the tar out of me. He's earned it.

Recently, I was at some goth club downtown when I hit a guy with a chair. It was pretty memorable. And yes, he had his back to me. Dirty pool, you say? I won't deny it. But the fucker had it coming.

The most memorable fight I've's probably the one including my friend Brian. He really likes getting into fights, because it's rare when someone ever lands a punch on him. For some reason, he's just really good at beating the shit out of people. He's really not that big. He's just seemingly impervious to pain and strong as fuck. Anyway, we were at a party when a bunch of strangers show up at the house (the house belonged to a mutual friend, and the party was private, so the strangers were not welcome). We ask them to leave. They refuse. Brian tells them to leave before he cuts someone's head off (his standard threat. I've never actually seen him cut someone's head off). Obscenities are exchanged. Brian, excited because he smells a fight coming, yells "I'll fuck all y'all up! Who wants a fight? Someone fight me!" Then the biggest guy in the crowd stands up and says "Fuck this! Nigga, I'll fight you!", or at least tries to, because before he can finish the sentence Brian hits him in the throat. In the time it took to get to the word "you", Brian had crossed the whole lawn, some twenty feet, before the big fella knew what was happening. The scene ran something like this:

Brian: Who wants a fight?

Big guy: Fuck this! Nigga, I'll fight yUURK

Brian: (to me) I'm gonna cut his fuckin' head off! (To the big guy) YOU HEAR ME, BITCH? I'LL FUCKIN' KILL YOU IF I SEE YOU AGAIN!

Big guy: gurgle

Brian: WHAT DID YOU SAY, BITCH? (brian kicks him in the face)

Me: I don't think he said anything. He just kinda went "guuurg". Hey, maybe you ought to stop hitting him.

Detroit! Gotta love it. That night we all learned an important lesson: if you're going to piss off Brian, do it from far away. He's a quick one. We're looking into wether or not he's actually a ninja.
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
15:10 / 03.03.03
I just realized that my little post kinda makes me and my friends look like brutal, amoral monsters. We're really not. We don't go looking for fights (except Brian, who would probably pick a fight with a bear if we dared him to and he was drunk. And he'd probably kick it's ass). And the guy I hit with a chair had said something along the lines of "I'll kick that faggot's ass before the night is over". I don't like being hit. After getting the shit kicked out of me a few times, I decided that I would never let it happen again. I hate feeling that helpless. I'll do almost anything to avoid it, even if it means hurting someone very badly before they know what's going on. I not sure how the morals of that situation work out, and I don't really care.

"But Johnny! You just got done saying that if you hit a man in the neck and he managed to stand up and pursue you after the beating he took on the ground, you'd actually let him do it! You hypocritical bastard! Why, I oughtta..."

Hey! Easy! I realized a long time ago that if you take the view I've taken towards fighting (my view: "Fight dirty, they won't know what hit 'em"), then you really can't complain or make a fuss if the other party gets angry and beats you silly. Being beat up sucks sour frog ass, but c'mon, I was asking for it. It's the risk you take when you fight dirty.
15:22 / 03.03.03
I think I'd like to meet this bear fightin Brian

I've never been in a fight in my life but I've been punched many a time, I've seen some really awful fights in my life the kind where you think one of the fighters are dead (and I'm not talking Taker v Mankind).
But I have been in a fight that I did actually enjoy, I was young and drunk and a whole bar got involved, I thought that that sort of thing only happened with Clint Eastwood and big apes, it had to be seen to be believed, there were pints flying and people sliding along tables, someone got an ashtray smashed over there head and there was a girl on another girls back giving her a kinda sleeper hold - now that was cool
Nobody got hurt by the way.
The Falcon
17:07 / 03.03.03
I'm not talking Taker v Mankind.


Best WWF fight, ever.
The Falcon
17:08 / 03.03.03
Oh shit, that was actually Triple H v. Mankind's alter-ego Cactus Jack. Ooops.

That was the best ever.
Mourne Kransky
20:48 / 03.03.03
You big nellies. Alexis and Krystle, the catfight in the mud on the drive of the Carrington mansion, last series of DieNasty, that was the greatest fight ever.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:19 / 03.03.03
Amen to that, sista.

God, I feel so lucky that I've only really ever been in one physically violent situation. Not even a fight, really.

A kid who'd bullied me mercilessly, physically/mentally/emotionally for a couple of years said the wrong thing at *exactly* the wrong time, ie.just when I'd stopped caring.

Reader, I punched him. As it turned out, very hard. And broke his nose. Although I'd run off and didn't find this out until later. What I *do* remember is feeling brilliant about it at the time.

I'm still hazy about whehter it was the right thing to do or not.

Cons: violence, I'm a big non-believer in hitting people being a good thing. And as people have pointed out, there's no such thing as a cosy fist fight. And am very relieved it wasn't something I decided to repeat/got a taste for.

Pros: The kid, and several like him, left me alone and people stopped bullying me, thus improving my quality of life about a zillion times.

But I've been in plenty of tense situations where I might have got slaughtered

Again, not for a long while, but seen more of this. Been around fights a reaonable amount.

And *hate* it. The tension, the fear, trying to figure out what to do first, needing to engage with macho bullshit that I wish I didn't have. Running scared. The next day wondering if I can walk down a certain street. Dressing mates' bruises, in the odd case, taking people to hospital.

Horrible. all of it.
22:40 / 03.03.03
Bengali - turn out nice again huh? fair play to you. It's a shame that not everyone is so lucky, but I do envy you your good fortune.

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