Capt. Zoom, I was wondering how that would work, viz, does communicating online with another, or others, count as one degree of separation? If we haven't met in real life, then does the degree of separation still hold? If so, perhaps the future will bring an even smaller number of degrees between any one person and any other.
As for trying to link us all up (for experimental purposes) I think that might be tough to run, because we would have to disclose much information that some of us might prefer not to disclose.
However, I agree with WoI in that it would likely be successful! By the very nature of the definition of the degrees of separation, with each degree that one moves to the number of people that one is related to goes up exponentially! Here is an example for ojoh:
I know this man who knew Bertrand Russell. Thus, there is only two degrees of separation between myself and Mr. Russell, and there is three degrees of separation between myself and everyone that Mr. Russell knew.
A more hypothetical example goes like this:
there is one degree of separation between me and my Mom. My mother has been traveling much in the last four years, and has been to England several times. She hooked up with a nice couple in England, and now they exchange occasional letters. There is two degrees of separation between myself and this couple. Now, I don't know the couple, but since they live in England, I'm quite confident that there is only another degree or two, through this couple, between myself and at least one of our British members.
The degrees of separation thing seems to branch out rather quickly: once you move into the third or fourth degree I'm thinking that you are likely connected to around a million people or so (Working from the assumption that any one person knows or has known one hundred people in their life we get 100 people at one degree, 10, 000 people at two degrees and 1,000,000 people at three degrees!).
So, given that it adds up pretty fast, it is also likely that any one of us is only a scant three or four degrees (or even less!) away from any "terrorist": how are we, like our governments would desire (according to the media), to completely disassociate ourselves from terrorist activity?
Floored by the complexity of it all,
100^100^100^100^100^100 = 0 (mod 5) |