Ellis, man.... can opened! worms everywhere! 
sfd, I think that the 'anyone who identifies as female' thing is, given that you want to create a female space for the gig, exactly the right place to draw the line. The problem is, you have to turn that into a door policy.
Here, I think the thing is not hard and fast rules but understanding that your intention is to create a liminal space- something extraordinary, -For One Night Only! That's a space that's different every time, and as grant pointed out, how many transfolk are you expecting? might be some, might be none, but at the end of the day it seems like the debate is both complex and delicate but the reality is looking at the person trying to get into the gig and knowing whether they're there to help make that liminal space a beautiful place or if they should have taken that left turn at Alberquerque. (sp?) Whatever they appear to be on the surface. Every individual decision cuts, in microcosm, the Gordian knot.
Ellis has a point. Exclusion is exclusion and if we were talking about, say, the establishment of a womens' community, I'd be deeply worried and uncomfortable about any kind of exclusivity based on social/sexual/racial characteristics, including the exclusion of men. (I know that sounds totally backasswards and contrawise. But I like contradictions and I don't care for rules beyond 'and it harm none.') But for one night... yes. Absolutely. Creates a crucible in which Stuff can happen. Ellis' post recongnises that the creation of these liminal spaces can be as dangerous as it can be affirming.
But it's a bit cheeky.
Have a cracking gig- may lots of ridiculously wonderful things come of it |