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Do *my* work for me- Top 15 PC games?


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05:51 / 07.02.03
Pirates! (uh, Yarr.)

Blimy, how could I forget that Microprose classic? I spent hours sailing that ocean in search o' plunder, matey.
09:20 / 07.02.03
Pirates! Ah, see now we're getting back into my era... That truly was a rocking game. I downloaded a C64 emulator a while back and was pretty pleased to find out that Pirates! was just as fun as I remembered it being. That and Turrican were the only games that had really stood the test of time for me. And perhaps Wizball.
04:56 / 08.02.03
You said Sanitarium, Jade. Thank you. One of my all time favorites.

There's always:

Phantasmagoria (stay away from the sequl, though)
Anything Leisure Suit Larry (easter eggs!)
The Incredible Machine
Anything Space Quest
Anything Kings Quest
The Oregon Trail
Carmen fucking Sandiego
08:01 / 02.08.04
It's been a year, that like what, seven Cretaceous periods in the computer industry? Let's update this mother.

1. GTA: Vice City
2. Deus Ex
3. Far Cry
4. Worms 2
5. Sim City IV
6. Broken Sword
7. Beneath a Steel Sky
8. The Dig
9. Full Throttle
10. Sam and Max
Lord Morgue
08:21 / 02.08.04
In no particular order-

Jagged Alliance
Rise of the Triads
Dope Wars
Deus Ex
Lost Eden
Blade Runner
Dink Smallwood
Sam and Max Hit the Road
Warcraft 2
Diablo 2
One Must Fall
Shadow Warrior
09:19 / 02.08.04
Unless I'm very much mistaken, no-one's mentioned Medieval: Total War. And we should have.
09:21 / 02.08.04
Ooh, and Azrael's Tear!
09:36 / 02.08.04
Aw shit, let me actually put some thought into this

Full Throttle
Broken Sword's 1 and 2 (God, it's a modern pulp adventure. Gleeee!)
Indiana Jones: Atlantis (It's Indy in At-fucking-lantis, nuff said. With SPACE NAZIS)
Beneath a Steel Sky (Play as a Mad Max rip-off in a Cyberpunk dystopia. Complete with AI paranoia and art by Dave Gibbons of Rogue Trooper fame!)
Sam and Max
The Dig (Steven Spielberg written game about astronauts trapped on a dead planet haunted by alien ghosts. Fucking EPIC).
Chaos Engine
Speedball 2
Final Fantasy VII
Street Fighter 2
Terminator 2: The Game

Submarine Attack [Master Sys] (spent hours playing this with my dad every night til we beat that fucker)
TRANSBOT (I played this so much in one sitting I actually overheated and broke the cartridge)

Resident Evil 2
Grey Area
10:31 / 02.08.04
Triplets stole most of my list. =(

However, seeing as my gamer days were in the Amiga Era, I would list the following:
- Starglider 2
- Dungeon Master 1
- Turrican 2
- Elite
- Dune 2 (Battle for Arrakis)
- Syndicate
- Millenium
- Xenon 2
- The Chaos Engine
- Stunt Car Racer
- Lemmings 1 + 2

I wish I still had my Amiga...
03:24 / 03.08.04
Well, here's my list... in no particular order:

Diablo 2
The Sims
Unreal Tournament
Deus Ex
Warcraft 2
Black and White
Civilization II (or III if you like, I've never played it)
Battlefield 1942
Lord Morgue
07:47 / 03.08.04
Woah. Respect to Grey Area's Old School list.
Gotta give props to your old school, yo.
A to tha M to tha muuthafuggin' I-G-A!
nedrichards is confused
11:31 / 04.08.04
Here's 15.

Dune 2
Championship Manager 97/98
Defender of the Crown
Prince Of Persia
Crimson Skies
Deus Ex
Europa Universalis
Day of the Tentacle
Sensible World Of Soccer
and for sentimental reasons: FIFA 97 'and that's why *he's* so highly rated'
Lord Morgue
12:13 / 04.08.04
Llamatron! Jeff Minter is GOD. Was there ever anyone else in the C64 age who created such subversive, off-beat classics as Attack of the Mutant Camels? Anyone who could imbue random household objects with such MENACE? I still fear the Screaming Mandy.
14:40 / 04.08.04
Heretic 2. (and Quake 2, which should be sold together for $9.99)
Alpha Centauri (still makes Civ3 look shallow!)

Red Alert2:Yuri's Revenge
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
the aforementioned Quake 2

and so long as I can get mid-school...
The Punisher (the first one, PC and 64; yes, I know it kind of sucked, but it was a cool marriage of several gametypes for the time)

Dragon Strike (dragonlance flight sim... no, really)

and those "original" MUD games, like Scepter. That game introduced me to the concept of online community.

oh, and Jumpman. I played that game for an entire summer. 2 months of my life I'm still strangely happy to see gone.
14:51 / 04.08.04
Slightly off topic but apparently Sid Meier is working on a revamped version of Pirates! which can only be a good thing.
foot long subbacultcha
07:46 / 05.08.04
I have a top three:

1) Tie Fighter. I don't think I've spent as long on any other game. Weirdly, this got me into Star Wars. I doubt I'll get a gaming experience like this ever again.

2 Duke Nukem 3D. Classic.

3 Medieval: Total War. Stoatie seems to be the only one here who geeks out on this game. Why don't more people play it? It's flawed, but I would still confidently call it the greatest game ever. And the sequel is out next month (hopefully)!
16:35 / 05.08.04
not sure if all of these are old enough...

(in no order)
Any Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale game (LONG LIVE INFINITY ENGINE!)
Max Payne
Deus Ex
Jedi Academy (if not old enough, Jedi Knight II will do)
Unreal I & II (tournament aswell I suppose)
GTA I, III and Vice City (II gave me a headache)
Neverwinter Nights
Fallout I & II
Starfleet Command (I is superior to II, III is just plain bad)
Half-Life and all of its expansions and mods
Civilization II
Battlefield 1942 (if you're looking for multiplayer)
System Shock II
Thief I & II

17:26 / 05.08.04
Starting in 1980 or so . . .

Wizardry 3
Civilization 2
Planescape: Torment
Baldur's Gate 2
Civilization 3
System Shock 2
Grand Theft Auto 3

A surprising number of sequels on that list . . .
15:18 / 08.08.04
Not in order:

1.) Adventure
2.) Doom I/II
3.) Wolfenstein3d
4.) Half Life
5.) GTA3/GTA3: Vice City
6.) The early Sierra and Lucas Arts adventure games.
7.) Tie Fighter (You could destroy your side's Corvettes by flying up behind them so that the Corvette's thrusters hide you from the laser cannons on its sides. Then you match the Corvette's speed and blast away at its thrusters till the whole thing blows sky high.)
8.) Microsoft Flight Simulator
9.) Falcon 3.0
10.) Panzer Dragoon.

All games up to number 7 were probably some of the most influential games ever. Games # 7 - 10 are just guesses of mine.
18:32 / 08.08.04
Well, at least someone else recognises the majesty of Medieval:Total War (actually, I figure if Baz Auckland posted to this thread, he'd be another!).

so without further ado, we move onto-

Llamatron! Jeff Minter is GOD. Was there ever anyone else in the C64 age who created such subversive, off-beat classics as Attack of the Mutant Camels?

Dude. Metagalactic Llamas Battle At The Edge Of Time on the (fucking hell) Vic 20 was a work of truly stunning genius. It was one of those great simple concept arcade shooters that was truly original. Basically, you were a llama. That spat lasers. At a 45 degree angle. Left and right moved you, well, left and right. Up and down controlled a horizontal force-field, off which you bounced the laserspit to kill ever-increasing numbers of spiders which descended on webs to the floor, where they'd crawl up to your little metagalactic llama legs and lay the fucking smackdown on you.

Llamatron 2112 is genius. Both Mutant Camel games rock. But Metagalactic Llamas Battle At The Edge Of Time is up there on my videogame nostalgia list with Skool Daze and Underwurlde.

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