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eon IX is NOW

18:23 / 14.12.01
Well, this is my first message, but I have been invisible for a while now. The reality of the world at large is coming to fruit. Out there is all the info that we need to progress as a human society. By coming together and unifying our theories, beliefs and essentially finding the internal harmonious resonance which manifests as the inherent goodness of being, we have the power to recreate our realities. We are multi dimensional beings not as in fifth or sixth or seventh, or even thirteenth dimensional, we are infinite. We contain within us the free will and open energy neeeded to embody the creator. We have only to change our perceptions.

There seems to be a lot of talk of God. People are casting out blame to God. i used to do the same thing. Then i realized that everything I knew was wrong. Everything. All that has been taught to us has been shaded and built on false concepts, slanting our entire perspective into a warped, twisted upside down/inside out, literally, (check out how your eyes work)
world where the physical world is teh source of our information. If you look at the elemental make up of the reality of the physical universe, it is a chaos pattern of higher and lower frequencies. We call it matter. Gravity is what traps us here. Without gravity we would have no refferance point. We would spin and be free to gyrate out from our center like a solar system.

If god created this place, and us in his own image, who the fuck are all you mad at. Wake up and realize that it is not god, who fucked up, but humans. We have free will. WE are not seperate from God, because God is everything that we know. It is energy. IT is US.
It breaks my heart to hear wonderfully alive people with so much to say, who are awakening to the ills of society, blurt their dislike from God. You are GOD. Start acting like it. Reclaim the internal wisdom of being whole. Heal become holy. Don't listen to a fucking book. This is revelation. The twelve days of christ-mass.

The division is being made. Rest, but don't lie down. be mindful. Go through whatever it takes to stay sane. Go beyond your mind. Die a thousand times. Rise above the flame.

JA AfterLife is NOWHERE



This GOd that you seem to be pissed at is just the god that the power structure has created to keep us seperate from the universe. God is as close as your own heart. You know nothing. Listen to it. The silence in you is the silence in me. We are teh awakening mind of silence. There is nothing but love. Love is connection, breaks us free from fear, and is the energy of synchronicity. Time is the fourth dimension. It is NOW. the fluid, ever-changing moment is all present, and the only place where God exists. It's theonly place that anything exists. Find this moment, open to it and get ready for evolution like the world has never seen. I'm not talking about bombs, I'm talking about interdimensionally equipped, galactic raiders of lost consciousness, embodying love, peace and the creator, spiralling synichronicities and evolution with every flick of JA mind.

If you're not in the know, get there. We're evolutionary leaps, and the return of starchildren the this planet with the job of changing minds into the flowering essence of unified light. wE ARE GOD. There is no seperation. The light particles from my skin are travelling at light speed, blending into everythng everywhere. We are bound into one mass of light, where gravity is all that keeps us down. Ascend into spirit, and then bring spirit into form. Have you read the comic? Are you a superpsychic, shaman timetraveler, super mojo man of kindness?

What are you waiting for? Whatis your highest dreams? be careFULL!!!

We are infinitely powerful. harm none.

Harm none.

Egodead, I rise above death and the traps of the mindfucking that took place in my trip through education.
I am nothing but the potency of my own memories. that and the present moment.

I fall like fluid through the gateway of the EVER-preSent ALL time moment, into the universal mind matrix to flush out my impurities. I dance with my dark karma bringing it to light. There is no difference between me and you.

You are another myself.


the divinity in me sees the divinity in you.

ALl is love.

free your mind

we are whole


holisticly healed

holographic representations of higherconsciousness it self.

We have all we need.

we need to remember

remember it all and cling to nothing
sit in the still center of you mind and see everything dematerialize around you. You live in every moment in every dimension always. Wake up.

Sit back and embark on the stillness of forever.

Create only what is in the best good of every being in the universe.

And if you're interesed in the Invisible college, check it out. It exists. It takes many forms.

The matrix has you...

Knock, knock, eon...

PAN 13 moon calander

all is love and awakening truth.

Be well,

19:30 / 14.12.01
Fucking beautiful, peacephoenix.

*points up*
What he said.
06:00 / 15.12.01
WOW! You just echoed what I've been thinking for a long while now.
Rev. Wright
08:44 / 15.12.01

[ 15-12-2001: Message edited by: William Wright ]
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:44 / 16.12.01
Mesage deleted because I was trying to post to a completely different thread and for somereason it ended up here. Sorry.

[ 16-12-2001: Message edited by: Mordant C@rnival ]
19:13 / 16.12.01
If what s/he said is so utterly brilliant, would someone mind terribly explaining it to me very simply? Like I'm a child?

Perhaps it would help if I posed a few questions around which your explanation could take shape?


Is the notion of 'dimension' (also 'interdimensionally' and so forth) always used in the same sense above, and if this sense differs, at it presumably does, from the dictionary (or scientific, or accepted) definition of the concept, in what manner is it different?

Ditto with 'energy'. I'm guessing we're not talking about 'the potential to do work'. What is this 'energy', exactly?

Self-evidently not all knowledge is bad or harmful or just plain wrong (viz. understanding and using the English language is apparently okay, as is manipulating a computer keyboard) - but how does one determine exactly what taught knowledge (the evil 'education') should be dismissed?

I hope the answers to these questions can at least provide a basic understanding of the import of the message. Further questions will almost assuredly ensue.
23:30 / 16.12.01
peacephoenix, I think, discovered something amazing fairly recently. It's the same thing we all realize at one point or another, but can never put into words. And so we forget.

These are words of the heart, a declaration of mankind's potential, and the kind of truth that is always spoken with more understanding than it is heard.

When you read peacephoenix's post, think of it this way, and try to feel the excitement for the human race and the frustration for the human race that is there. If you're moved, go ahead and post. Then forget all that and go play a game of baseball with a little kid.

And, peacephoenix, if I have misinterpreted you or your post, please correct me.
23:03 / 17.12.01
The best I've come to summing it up is this:

This is heaven, and you are God.
Do good things. Be happy.
God likes that, cause he's happy, too.

Words are hard for things so simple.
05:24 / 18.12.01
All right, thank you SMatthewStolte and cusm. I guess I tend to get frustrated with what I view as vague writing that re-appropriates certain words in a different sense to that with which they're 'normally' associated, and relies on that uncertainty to imply some revelatory understanding.

But, as you've both pointed out, it can be difficult - almost impossible - to describe and evoke the epiphanic moment of gnosis. In view of that, peacepheonix's soliloquy is as good as any other.
06:45 / 18.12.01
Have you been introduced to THOHT, PP? I think you'd get on like a house on fire.
07:15 / 18.12.01
The words that I wrote were simply the symbolic representaion of my desire to bring light and try to communicate a moment to my brotherKIN. Don't find my words, find my message. If you want to talk to me like a fact based scientist, I will engage that part of consciousness and speak to that corner of your being, but that is not where my message goes.

I am writing to a HOL being.

I hope that most of humanity will someday understand, but that is not who I'm talking to right now. I'm talking to US. The starchild in me is speaking to you, not your physical form, not your brain or your mind. I am trying to talk from my awakened essence to the absolute awakened essence in ALL.

Sometimes it doesn't come out right, but keep chillin' something will hopefully pop in your bubbling consciousness, maybe in a dream, or however else the synchronicity happens to pop up.
I'm not special, but the awakened part in everyone's brain is. I hope only to help my friends and fellow revelationaries bring thier truth to light and hold their own flaming sword of truth. I hope that we all can someday learn to transcend reality, because in the perspective of GOD, there is not time, there is no space, there is nothing. We can awaken to existing outside of time. It helps to follow the flow of natural time. the 13 moon calander (, no watches, meditation, stillness.

The awakened state seems to pass for many people who download higher consciousness from the greater mindframe of the matrix.

It seems to leave our physical reality, because our programed brain patterns, have trouble maintaining the balanced high state necessary to find union with god.
A simple brain never leaves.
They just don't know how to explain it.
Our complex brains have trouble holding on to simple notions.

The meanings of life are simple and you know them. Stop asking. Know

wiriting like this is not entertainment.
Life is the game.
We're the players.
Step up and be real.
God can be understood as a seventh dimensional being. So can we.
I'm not trying to convince anyone,
I only hope that my light will shine forth and bring strength to the tones of synchronicity.


BY speaking out and giving love, the drama of conflict can fade away and a collective higher frequency can be realized.

By dimensions I mean, complete levels of perception, or reality. These are seperate, and embody different realm energies. The laws of each of these dimensions are based on different principals, but they all exist, overlayed and inter woven like the multi-facets and layers of a hologram.

We are HOL


We are a part of the matrix, and have free will. This allows us to, in the highest light, freely change our mind perceptions, releasing ourselves to find silence, in the center. When centered and still in the center of life, we go within the
Karma Wheel, all of life is seen as absolutely perfect. Nothing takes hold to break our equalibrium, unless we engage a program of our lower trained consciousness, or attach to a worldly desire.

If you still want me to explain the dimensions from a dictionary, I will.
but then i suggest you

STEP AWAY FROM THE dictionary!!!

Experience your own reality.

I am another yourself

Thought inspires thought


find silence...

If my words are still too vague, please write again. I am very willing to keep this up. there is so much more to come.

What happens if this epiphinal moment of gnosis was an almost continually realized internal state of being.

Puts a strange twist on everything.

I can spin words forever...

What do YOU mean by epiphinal moment of gnosis. Re experience yours. Make it last. Change you life in all the simple ways that it would take to stay within this state. It is union with yourself.

I am not writing to display some sort of knowledge.
I want to find friends.
I want to find love.

I've got so much to give.
meet me in the middle.

Bless you ALL.


JAH mind roars from my LION eyes
JAH heart speaks
Elvis is alive


the pheonix is rising .:.
11:53 / 18.12.01
The only question I really have at this point is: does this really belong in the Head Shop?

Perhaps if we turned to a discussion of why it might be inappropriate or misleading to be wilfully vague when deploying a system of information transfer (viz. the English language, or any language for that matter; including, say, mathematics) that is already susceptible to ambiguity, even when wielded skillfully and carefully?

Of course you can imbue any word you like with whatever particular meaning you wish to convey. You cannot, however, expect anyone else to be able to infer what that meaning actually is.

Case in point: the word 'dimension' has been very clearly defined. Not just for 'fact based scientist[s]' - although it serves a very particular purpose within the realm of science - but for any person who is familiar with, and uses, the language with which you've chosen to convey your experience or thoughts.

I don't mean to seem to obtuse, but 'complete levels of perception' is really no more definitionally useful to me than your use of 'dimension'. But then, perhaps I am just obtuse.
16:46 / 18.12.01
The line between the Head Shop and the Magick can be a little fuzzy at times, depending on where you're coming from. Sumo has a point, this might likely better in the Magick. Or not. What the hell do I know?

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