And, alas, sendign a truck out to colelct the bins doesn't cost $500 million a go, so that's a factor as well.
Problem being that to pay the bin me, say, £10 an hour, you need to increase rates so the money is available. I'm sure you wouldn't mind that, Chol, and nor would I, but a lot of people would - including the park litter collectors, who would want their wages doubled, which means further increases to rates. And wghen the firefighters get wind of all this public sector pay inflation...well, oy vey. And why the fuck are we expecting people to collect our rubbish, anyway? How weak and decadent are we? We could set up a tip at the end of every street, take responsibility for draggin our bins there, and the hundreds of pounds we would save on refuse collection would go a lot further in a country which doesn't have that kind of luxury.
The comparisons game is a notoriously fiddly one. And, as Ignatius J said in the "Missing Shuttle" thread, the US wouldn;t have spent the cash on feeding the hungry (or indeed paying its binmen better) anyway - it would have gone into the pockets of the same companies, but making better missiles instead of space rockets.
So, I thik it's amore complex picture than that...especially, of course, since they are not likely to get that new freezer they were saving up for, unless being kept in one counts...
(On the sick jokes front, can I put forward, slightly off-topic, the inspired Onion Headline "Pete Townsend can't explain"?)
What I *am* finding funny, though, is:
I personally think I have a. freedom of speech and b. the right to use sick humour as a defense mechanism if I so wish....If you don't like this thread, don't read it. If you don't like me, there's an ignore button.
Bill, you are the Knowledge and I claim my five pounds .