Two quotes:
1. Language is the house of being.
(I once had a T-Shirt that said that. Lost the shirt, but I still think it sounds cool.)
2. Reality is that which, when you ignore it, doesnt go away.
I think those two quotes are both pretty right on. And so I think that, no - words don't create reality. What they do is shape the way we experience reality.
I'm not going to say that there is no objective reality, that there is nothing but my experience. But, on the other hand, if there is, I have no idea what it looks like. All I know is what I experience, and everything I experience hits me only after it runs through the coin-sorting machine of language.
Just in terms of, like, putting my experiences in order - figuring out which successions of images are due to my movement and which are due to objects moving - sorting perceptions into a narrative, creating an identity for myself out of all this disjointed crap - words are the fundamental units of experience, you know?
I guess it's unfair to say "Words don't create reality." because what I'm really doing is nit-picking and saying, "Sure, MY experience is built out of words. But I'm gonna be a good philosophy studentand quibble over terminology and say that Reality is different from my experience, without saying why." 'cause I don't know why. I just sort of take it for granted that stuff exists independent of me and my perceptions.
That, or there's some twisted sadist of a blind, jealous lunatic demon deceiving me. |