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Dao Jones
12:21 / 12.12.01
If we're on top, I say we legislate against evil bastards. I've said it before: competing modes of existence are fair game. Democracy should not be allowed to vote (or relativist) itself out of existence.

Exterminate extremism. With extreme prejudice.

It's fine and dandy to propose total free speech, Reid, but it's an ideal which relies on a populace motivated to inform itself and participate. Which no one has except possibly the Swiss (be afraid).

Until then, I think a bit of solid paternalism to retain freedom and safety is probably called for.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
12:39 / 12.12.01
But of course we whine when it effects something we care about. See I'd also like to see legislation about representations of gay sexuality in the media removed.
Dao Jones
13:02 / 12.12.01
Yes, but as long as we're in control, that argument is void. And if we capitalise on visibility now, the likelihood of being able to re-establish the big lies diminishes enormously.
13:47 / 12.12.01
SFD, it's not only me, but other male and female members of staff who've pointed it out. We've watched her making attractive female applicants sweat it out at interviews, while nodding to each other: 'Nope, she'll never get it.' And they never do... One's tempted to think 'So much for sisterhood' when faced with such petty jealousy.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
13:49 / 12.12.01
Does that mean that all the other women you work with consider themselves to be ugly?
14:38 / 12.12.01
quote:Originally posted by The resistable rise of Reidcourchie:
Does that mean that all the other women you work with consider themselves to be ugly?

A few pretty ones have slipped through the Net in previous years before current boss's takeover. They are routinely victimised.
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:55 / 12.12.01
Oh dear - Nick: I always lose the most important posts, and I've just lost a long-ish reply. And now my brain isn't working like it was just before lunch. Quick answer: sorry for being snippy. Long answer tomorrow.

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