Varis 06 wrote:
if people want themselves represented in adverts they are idiots. a fucking advert is not going to show you or anyone like you. an advert just wants to sell you something, not portray reality. those dumb shmucks
Isn’t that just it though? This isn’t exactly thousands of years of oppression, this is advertising, television broadcast adverts, which, has only been around for about 50 years. Women’s initial response to the stereotypical subordinate roles they were slotted into came from centuries of such subjugation not a few decades (and really only the last three) of mild insults. I think this issue should be put into the right context. This is not an example of oppression and really, I think it is PCness getting out of hand.
Torquemada wrote:
I agree that most people can see through this cod-psychology, but I'd also bet that men in general are left feeling mildly insulted by this sort of thing in a curiously similar way to the manner that some women are insulted by pornography (where, in each case, the other person can always turn around and say, 'oh, grow up, don't take it so seriously!')
Really, can’t people take a joke? So, the pendulum has swung the other way a bit. Until I see every white privileged male in spike heels doing, dishes and denying themselves sexual pleasure because only naughty boys do that, I really think they should stop their moaning and groaning.
Let’s not be prejudice here, we can make fun of everyone, equally. It is just the mens turn now. I am sure everyone will get a turn.
On a related note:
A friend in broadcasting had told me recently that the program writers are very careful to only write banter that is offensive to the male hosts, giving the female host the whip hand. Now, I do not have any issue with the fact the woman has the advantage, it occurred to me that perhaps a man is writing her material. Kinda twists things up for me a bit.
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