quote:Originally posted by Flux = Traffic Tiger:
Do you consider yourself a person who has a lot of 'experience', whatever you may interpret that as being?
I think I have a lot of second-hand experience in that I've talked in some depth to hundreds (probably thousands now) of unhappy, frightened, depressed, deluded, manic, obsessional and just plain weird individuals. I've glimped a lot of hidden corners of people's lives, and I feel immensely priveleged.
First-hand, I don't feel that experienced, although it's probably fair to say I'm more personally knowledgeable in some areas than others. I've travelled quite a lot, for example, and I've known bereavement first-hand. I've slept with both men and women, and I've made an educated decision as to which I prefer. I've never really enjoyed my body in a physical/athletic sense, however, and I've barely dabbled with recreational drugs. Never even smoked. I'm aware of those areas as 'gaps'.
quote o you think it is essential for a person to be 'experienced' in terms of life situations, sexual experiences, travel, drugs + drink, etc for them to have valid opinions, to be taken seriously, etc?
Not essential, no, but I think it lends authority to their opinion. I'm always aware, when I'm doing bereavement work, that people respond better to me if they're aware that I've been in the same position. Conversely, when I did Child & Family Psychiatry, I was acutely aware that I had precious little experience to draw upon when advising parents on the best ways to manage their kids' behaviour - all textbook advice.
quote:How much 'experience' do you think is necessary for someone to be a well-rounded and interesting person?
Gawd. I dunno. Depends which circles you move in, I guess, and to whom you want to present yourself as "well-rounded and interesting". Not much of an answer, sorry. |