Clive Bromhall, a natural history expert, has recently published a book called The Eternal Child. I’ve read a summary of it, in an article entitled How Women Are Making Men Gay, and it begins by condemning women who go for ‘prettier’ men such as David Beckham and Brad Pitt, instead of the more ‘traditional macho male’. Women, Bromhall says, are encouraging men to be effeminate (bear in mind Beckham is well known not just for being pretty but for not using his wife as a punch bag or shagging around), and he thinks this is a Bad Thing. The future of the human race is in question because of this; women are making men ‘regress to infancy‘, and part of this is reflected in homosexuality. According to Bromhall, we all go through a ‘phase’ of wanting to spend time only with our own gender, then some young men (women are painted out of the picture at this point) are attracted to those of the same sex. This is immature, and most grow out of it to become, ‘mature heterosexuals’. A growing number, however, are not growing up. ‘Homosexuals - like children - are renowned as among the most exuberant, imaginative, sensitive and eternally youthful members of society.’ He cites Graham Norton as ‘illustrating this to perfection’.
As I say, women’s sexuality is barely touched upon: lesbian don’t exist, bi women and men and the huge area that human sexuality covers doesn’t get a look in. Are pesky fence sitters just immature sometimes then? Do dykes not have a real sexuality, or does it not matter, because a ‘mature heterosexual’ will have babies with one if he wants to? Heterosexual women do finally get a mention: those delaying having children are good examples of the immaturity of the human race.
I read the article, I have no wish to give this man my money by buying his book - I’m torn between wondering whether he hates women more than he hates gay men. But is this a new theory, or have some of you heard it all before? Is it very popular? Is it dangerous, or just the ranting of a few right wingers? |