Well this place is all about parallel universes. Hehe.
Maybe people are being nice to me because... well... are you gonna be mean to someone who looks/talks/presents herself like that? You simply cannot!
Or maybe it's that I said- upfront- that it might make some people nauseous and that my modesty was appreciated. Oooh! It might make me nauseous! Must subvert. Must subvert. Must subvert. When I posted this same rant a year ago it was incessantly bashed. I wonder if it would have been praised if I told you guys that it was Fecal Matter: the dark side.
Could have been a number of things that caused this parallel universe to take place- possibly the domino effect of "I liked that." "Hey- I liked that too." "So did I." "Ya, same here."
The reason I came to barbelith, initially, was to get away from The Domino People. 
Ok, I'll admit it. People aren't mean to me for nothing. I'm an internet sophist. Nobody likes those types. (except my hundreds of peons on LJ- of course- on barbelith people have standards.)
I'll admit to a lot of horrible sins: sins such as not reading a single reply to a post and throwing in my own shit for personal gain, shits and giggles, scientist partying, (I'll experiment with you by saying some radom shit for the simple purpose of seeing how you'll react and then I'll take a nice hit off a joint) the list goes on and on. I'm not the most genuine person either. I might make a post, and you might spend hours and hours typing a response, and I might reply back with something to the likes of
"Revalootin counterdrones 1, 2, 3, I have the Magic Key to the Universe and I eat your brain cells ok baby ya baby wuzzzzup Mutant Pride"
no I won't give something close to reciprocation- instead I'll be on some ridiculously self centered self entertaining self parody trip that is quite a bummer after you've heard it 50 times unless you're me and all.
Oh wait! You used to be.
Anway, ya. Eventually a lot of the posters here got sick of my bullshit, and frankly I don't blame then. Suddenly I was being genuine- but you guys were so ridiculously jaded by me that you started calling me Corporation Station because I was deconstructing zines/DIY culture. If a 4 legged fish screams every time you're out in public- you'll start to hear it scream when it's silent- or you'll at least expect it to scream when you're out in public.
Wanna know something? I wish I had the time to read each post I replied to- to give heartfelt intellectual replies to these amazing topics of conversations- but sometimes all I have is a reference to the anti-sheep-sheep phenomena because it strikes me as funny at the time. I guess we could call this place the "If you can't say anything well thought out and intelligent don't say anything at all" board, but someone would soon come along and mention the relativity of the word "intelligent" in a super complex coded loaded way: and we might not even realize that all this person way saying, esentially, was that "intelligence is relative." Or maybe we would. But then it would turn into a string of inside jokes, because the circles and loops would get tiring after a while, and when in tire: inside jokes? Fire fire fire!
So what am I getting at? Insight? Who, me? And why am I typing this now, in this specific thread, at this specific time? Because I'm feeling it all come out, and I'm getting a gut instinct that this is it baby.
All because someone mentioned that people were nasty to me here. Thanks, Bill, you Inspiration Station! 
You know what I've always been about? The return of the prankster. The joker. The discordian. The twister. The mind fucker. The fringe forker. The crackpot kook. What ever happened to these beautiful elements? Every attempt of mine to bring them back to barbelith has resulted in bash bash bash. Still, this is my favorite message board on the internet, and has been so for a while.
And I don't want anyone to respond to anything I just said: I just want you to know that it has been said. This is not a "Rage thread" in that type of "character analysis" sense.
What I really want to know is what you think of my movie. Besides that it was "good" and all. |