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Inventions/Ideas to change the WORLD!!!


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06:27 / 05.09.03
toilet paper with short stories printed on it so you'd have something to read.

Kegboy: you can get toilet paper with a different crossword puzzle printed on each sheet. Will that do?
Mourne Kransky
07:49 / 05.09.03
Cheese is of the Dark Side...

That would be Kraft Cheese Slices. And Gjetöst. All the rest of the cheese family can in fact be used successfully to prevent marriage, particularly Double Gloucester with Onion and Chives, but you need to know how to use it.

Some inspired inventor chap/ess really needs to invent a better cheese grater. I have three and they all take ages, grate the ends of my fingers in with the cheese and take too long to clean. Shouldn't be beyond the wit of some cheese-and-physics fiend to devise something like a giant garlic press for cheese. Place big lump of cheese in container. Press switch to apply pressure. Grated cheese strands/ grains /friable pulp would shoot out the other end. Neat, tidy, handily delicious.
15:12 / 05.09.03
You mean something like this?

It's called a mouli. There are electric ones, too, but at my house, we use a handcrank version. Mainly just for parmesan cheese. So much better than the pre-grated stuff in the green can.
Whisky Priestess
15:42 / 05.09.03

Sigh. There is nothing new under the sun.
09:21 / 29.09.03
I now have a doorbell that rings my mobile (as per The local Goth), and a tabloid sized broadsheet (as per me). As a result I can only assume that the powers that be have been reading this thread and we can expect miniature dolphins to be availible by Bobtember.

One thing though: When I have all this cool stuff, I really will insist on a front door that opens outwards. I can't be alone in fearing that someone is more likely to kick-in my door in bid to enter my home than exit it.

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