I'd change the world by replacing the old 12 month calendar with a decimal one. Partly just to upset people and make a mess of everyone's arrangements, but mostly as an excuse to think up some new month names, cos I'm bored of the old ones.
The Decimal Months will be:
I'm not sure exactly when the year will start in relation to our current system, but Knackabane and Foze will be the winter months - in both hemispheres. This means the hemispheres will be 5 months out of sync with each other, ie when it's Knackabane in the North, it'll be Bobtember in the South.
It would be nice to decimalise the days as well, but there's nothing we can do about the Earth's rotation for now, so we're stuck with 365. Therefore, each month will consist of 36.5 days. So, Bobtember being the first month will end at 11:59am on the 36-and-a-half'th of Bobtember. From 12:00pm onwards it will be the half'th of Trianguary (so Trianguary ends roundly in the last minute of the 36th).
No reason we can't decimalise the weeks, though, so I propose we have ten weeks a month, each week consisting of 3.65 days (of which two days are weekend, just to keep the traditionalists happy).
The days of the week:
Barryday (weekend, 24 hrs)
Terryday (weekend 24 hrs)
Bovis (the work day, 24 hrs)
Hmm...day (15 hrs, 36 minutes).
The awkward 0.65 of a day (or 15hrs, 36 minutes) at the end of each week should be postponed till the end of the tenth month, so there's six and a half days proper at the end of each month to play around with - probably a good time to tidy up ready for the next month.
The only problem I see with this is Hmm...day. Can anyone think of a better name for it? |