We need to know whether there was ever a drug called Phantasy doing the rounds a few years ago, or was it sheer rumour? Heard people talking about it, but never saw the stuff. If it is or was real, all info will be gratefully received. Ta!
Google turns up a cellulite cure, and Erowid comes up blank.
One site refers to "phantasy mixes" - as in, don't buy your MDMA adulerated in phantasy mixes - but it's fairly obviously translated into English from some other language. This site refers to a rave called "Phantasy" as some sort of "turning point in the scene."
Hmm, cheers dude. I think rather than conclude there's an existing drug that no one on here has heard of (!!!!) I can safely rest in the knowldege that it was a dubious rumour and nothing else besides.
[off topic] Bill, I just PM'd you - I think there is something up with the email... [/off topic]
I have a vague recollection of something with a similar name being a legal herbal concoction a few years back... but nothing to substantiate that half-memory...