"orientalism" is meant to be ugly...I can't make you feel better about it. At least in academic circles, it is used to describe that false-attribution process that tags "The East" with certain qualities and "The West" with others. It's common usage as a false synonym for "Asian" (a construct that bothers me as well, especially when attributed to people) is a linguistic holdover from a time period when "orientalist" ideas were taken as factual...Victorian period or the equivalent.
And no, don't "reject the word"-- simply use it in its proper sense, to point out that someone is being an ass by postulating that dualism.
Now, my family is from rural Kentucky and Oregon, so I have even bigger issues with "white trash," since I and everyone I live around regularly get stuck with that one by condescending [mostly white] urbanites. The term likely originates as internal-to-ethnic-group slur for poor rural whites [in the South, mostly] by urban/suburban middle-class whites [everywhere else]. Terms like "hillbilly" and "mountain man" have the same sort of derivation and negative semantic load.
I know you're thinking in terms of modern ethnic categories, in which "white" is a unified thing, but recall that for most of the world, including huge tracts of the US, "white" is most decidely not a unified set, and never has been. Ask the Bosnians and Serbs, or the Germans and French....
Remember that "race" and "ethnicity" are entirely artificial categories, even though they occasionally map onto physiological traits. The Greeks consider the Dacians and other Slavs barely human (barbarians), and the Macedonians only tolerable...and they asserted all of this in terms of absolute racial categries, even physiological differences that were "obvious." The same is true of the Romans and their subjects and the competing tribes of the British Isles. The mass of people we now consider "Chinese," and of a single ethnic group, are in their own minds of many seperate ethnic categories.
Sticking to this country alone, historically each wave of latter-day immigrants has been perceived as alien and sub-human: the Irish, the Polish, Slavs, Italians, Greeks, Spaniards, Scots, Russians, French "Cajuns"...Catholics, Orthodoxists, Jews....
Most have never entirely recovered from these markers, regardless of how their economic fortunes improved or how they dispersed.
The people who set the racial standards we're largely discussing were descendants of German, English, and Nordic origins...and all of Protestant denominations. Extrapolate one step further and figure that most of them considered themselves first "genteel" and "from an old family," and you begin to get a picture of where all the epithets and stereotypes are being accumulated in this nation....
However, if you look internal to ethnic groups, though, you can find similar concepts being played out among other ethnic groups.
The Irish, to this day, have a stigmatized group referred to as "Shanty Irish." In the 1900s-1940s middle-class, educated African-Americans in the North referred to uneducated, lower-class African-Americans as "guiche"--and the term was not a nice one. It goes on and on....
People like to reify, and they like to feel superior, even if there isn't any rhetorical basis for it. This is why all humans suck.
[ 28-01-2002: Message edited by: [infinite monkeys] ] |