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Buffy series 7 uk (spoilers)


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15:26 / 12.03.03
we have to get together and talk. yes. in big truth, me and the landlady did work that out on our own after ep 1. hence the reason the girl was hangin wit da watchas, why all the girls being chased by the baddies have nearly escaped through some impressive physical feat. hence the dying watcha saying 'gather them' an army of slayers, only they'll all be dead. having seen the jet li movie theone i kinda reckon I know where they're going: as each potential slayer buys it the remaining ones get a bit stronger. this is why faith's return [thats an angel spoiler really] will be so important. could be only faith is left if, as we seem to think, buffy gets vamped. but i reckon there'd be a further twist, as a slayer might well have some kind of innate resistance to vampirism. this show is really very good at the moment. for a while it looked as if the new series of smallville would take the fantasyteen crown, but the last couple eps of that have been merely okay.
The Natural Way
09:05 / 14.03.03
I assume yr off to Glastonbury this weekend?


The Master? So soon? A bit shocked that he turned up so early on in the game, but very happy nevertheless. HE can vamp Buffy.
When she sees him I just want her to regress. Real horrorshow. Crying kid....

Aren't I unpleasant?

This season's really going in for the whole *keep 'em guessing!* thing. Will it be Giles who returns to Sunnydale - or just the Big Bad? If B, does that mean Giles is dead.....or will he return spells 'a' flyin'? What's the First's masterplan (apart from lording it over creation)? Who'll live? Who'll die?

And what IS up with Priniciple Wood?

Is he doing the decent thing and giving Jono a proper burial - OR IS HE A SICK EVIL FUCK?

We'd normally know pretty much everything by now. I'm pleased we don't.
09:15 / 14.03.03
yes we can't talk this weekend but soon. is that the master? I don't think so, the makeups different to the first/master in ep.1. just a badd oldd vamp. aurelius perhaps?
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:06 / 14.03.03
It's not the Master. He was an old vampire in the sense of being an old git. This is an old vampire in the sense of being a purer, more demony version - less of a half-breed, although why then it doesn't look a bit like wot Angel turned into in Pylea (or vice versa), I don't know. Wizards?

A pint says the Master doesn't return at all. The First may disguise itself as him again, but I doubt it - I really don't think he's as important to the Buffy mythos as you make out; several villains have traumatised her to worse effect (Angelus being the obvious example - and Faith also if you believe Buffy's "nobody ever made me a victim before her" line in 'Sanctuary').
The Natural Way
12:23 / 14.03.03
Do you know that, Fly, or are you basing it on, y'know, the way the vamp looks a wee bit different?

Why do I think it's the Master?

"Back to the beginning" - definitely NOT a throwaway line. And the Buffy team clearly think Masty's well important - otherwise where's the emotional payoff when Firsty turns into him? Eh?

He's wearing the Master's S&M gear (Just rewatched the tape).

Apart from slightly different makeup (or different actor) he's pretty much the same. If it was a different guy, you'd think they wouldn't confuse the signifiers. Kakistos was old, but didn't look like our guy. Subtle differences could be put down to the fact that he's been dead aaaaaaages and is veeeeery hungry.

Because he's the cliffhanger. Some anonymous vamp makes a crap cliffhanger.

Having said that, he could be Aurelius.

But back to the thing about how important he is. Again with the:

First baddy

Killed her

Drove her crazy with fear and loathing (part of her deal with Angel and Cordy is that she WANTS them all sexylovey - the only thing the Master ever made her want to do was shit herself. And pulverise old bones)

(And this is the most important one, so don't overlook it) VAMPIRE!
The Natural Way
12:28 / 14.03.03
Oh, but having checked it out, it seems yr right and I'm wrong and I owe you a pint. Ho-hum.

Bloody Toruk-han.

You have been spoiling it, haven't you? The cheek.
09:54 / 19.03.03
no i stopped checking the spoilers after the cassandra episode when i realised this series wasn't going to be as bad as the last one. when me and laura are throwing theories around we don't need spoilers. we've seen this shit enough times we just get it right.
Eloi Tsabaoth
19:10 / 07.05.03
I'm enjoying this series, even if the whole thing feels like an extended backrub with oils for long-time fans and continuity geeks. Last week's Andrew episode was fantastic, cheap silly comedy and heart-breaking pathos side by side. And Robin Wood, Robin Wood, riding through the glen of my heart, you stylish sexy principal you...
What I would like to know is, how many episodes are we from the end in the UK?
20:54 / 07.05.03
There are 22 episodes for this final series, Bizunth. And due to the magic of broadband, I've just finished watching number 20
Eloi Tsabaoth
20:57 / 07.05.03
Just 6 more, then. And I'm quite happy being behind, TVM. You're closer to the end than I am...
uncle retrospective
04:43 / 08.05.03
We only have 6 left? That can't be true, please tell me it's not true. This season is the first I've loved in years.
Amd Faith is coming back to Sunnydale.
The Natural Way
13:10 / 11.05.03
It's just five now, isn't it?

Aaah, the pain.

No, it's sweet that it's ending - all the best things do. Underlines the fact that the creators actually care about their creation. S'got dignity, and all that.


The other night, sat up with Worrel Thompson and Kay taking in the sights and sounds of eps 7 - 12 (Worrel hadn't had the chance to viddy much of this season, so we were playing catch-up). Everyone seemed to be enjoying the twisted sexual antics (we shall forever refer to Spike as 'PAIN GIMP'), and the general pace and feel of the thing, but, the next day, Kay was down on it. He had a big problem with the war stuff, viewing it as feeding more nasty shit back into the grander righteous-battle-against-the-forces-of-darkness narrative that's besieged our heads (and other peoples bodies and countries) over the last few months/years. Worrel and I resorted to the usual arguments: "Buffy's been building up to this for aaages!", "Yeah, the shows been pregnant with big-scrap potential for simply forever. It's the logical way to end this story!" With that, Kay pointed out that it was just an easy way out and perhaps the writers should have shown a bit more imagination. The conversation fizzled out after that. I thought he had a pretty persuasive argument, really....

Until I went away and thought about it....

It occured to me that the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and, while we're gearing up for one enormous stand off between the slayers and the vampires (+ one devil), I'm fairly convinced the "war's" resolution will have more to do with 'and end to arms' than it will big fisticuffs. Point being, I don't think Buffy can beat this thing by having a fight with it. The script's underlining this huge, right-in-front-of-our-noses clue EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK. What with the source of Buffy's abilities being pure essence-of-(first)evil, 'heart of the demon' stuff and her instinctive rejection of more of the same, I'm pretty sure the story will follow her cue and will naturally result in a giving up - a surrendering - of power as opposed to an increase in Slayer muscle density.

Basically, Buffy's got to say goodbye to superdom.

I can't shake the feeling that there's a symbiosis between her and the First - her presence gives it power (a la Buffy returning from the grave kicking this thing off). The old chesnut about fighting giving yr enemy strength....

How else do you rationalise an end to the "mission"? It all makes perfect sense - afterall, they prolly won't bother killing her again.

And I still think the First will dress up as the Master before this shit is through. Just for the symmetry. 'Cause it's pretty.
uncle retrospective
15:22 / 13.06.03
Just a quick post to ask what people thought now that we have no Buffy left.

It'd just like to say I thought it was great, I'll go into detail later but what did people think?
Gary Lactus
11:27 / 16.06.03
Sad to see it go. Moist eyes when the spell worked and all those potentials got Slayery. Made me wish I was a girl so I could really feel that empowerment to the fullest. Anya's death was so fucking shocking. Just like that, no more Anya. I dearly want more, but all the rumours suggest that there are no more spin-offs planned. How does one change this situation I wonder. Can we all badger someone until they make a movie or something, y'know, like the Trekkies did all those years ago? Angel sucks a big one and won't keep me happy.
Kind of releaved that I've got my Thurday nights back though.
Tryphena Absent
12:21 / 16.06.03
Are you really sad to see it go?

This show used to be wonderful but the final episode was sickeningly sentimental, over the top and the script was terrible. It perverted the original aims of the show- to give us this girl who has to consolidate her life with slaying vampires. The people behind it clearly bowed down to production pressure and thus it ended with almost the entire cast out of character and a load of soap opera style shit. There was no sense of power, no plot and no humour. Even Faith and Spike were terrible. They totally over-played the potential slayer thing on the tear-to-an-eye front when they could have made people laugh. Anya's death was tragic and they all seemed to forget it five minutes later. Willow turned white and that was particularly boring and cliched, that was possibly the biggest sick thing for me, Alyson Hannigan was just waaayyyy too good for that rubbish. Xander and Dawn did, well, nothing and Andrew fell completely out of character towards the end of the episode. What that thing with Caleb and Angel was... yeah. That worked.

The lack of continuity was disgraceful, basically it sucked. I wish I felt slightly betrayed and thus could claim I wasn't expecting it but I can't. I am so glad it's finally over so they can't fuck up the series anymore. What was once slightly subversive and ever so slightly on the side of gender fuck has slowly become a magically inclined version of Beverly Hills 90210. A show that we really didn't need to see again.
Gary Lactus
15:45 / 16.06.03
Yes, I'm sad to see it go. Sure the series changed alot but that's what I liked about it. I missed the lightheartedness of earlier episodes but didn't think the change unsuitable in terms of all the characters' development. And any way there was plenty of fun for me in the last few series: The magic jacket that Xander and Spike nicked and burnt as the big plan/fight at the end of the episode. The one when Buffy gets her burger flipping job and that ridiculous penis monster comes out of the old lady's head. "Oh bollocks" as Spike's amulet does it's thing in the final episode. Bloody good TV, all of it.

Only TV, though. None of it has made me a better person or changed my life in any way other than occupying my Thursday nights and filling in time down the pub talking with Bobboss, Glassonion, DVStee, Celebrity and Remembrax.
16:17 / 16.06.03
Good job they were guarding the exits from the school. Otherwise those super-vamps might have escaped into direct sunlight, and the normal human characters wouldn't have had an opportunity to needlessly put their lives on the line.

Buffy had tremendous difficulties defeating even just one of the super-vamps when it first turned up - in this episode it seems even non-powered characters can take a few out.

Meaningless Spike death, anyone? Since we know he's in Angel next season and everything.

It was all a big con on the part of Sky One. They showed it the same evening as Angel, it seemed so convenient to just sit and watch both in a row. I want thirty-three hours of my life back.
Gary Lactus
18:20 / 16.06.03

I thought the whole Spike turning up in Angel thing was disinformation spread to keep his death a surprise. Does anyone know for sure?

As for the direct sunlight thing, they were not guarding the exits of the school, they were preventing the Turok-Han from getting into the sewers. It was mentioned, Joss really isn't that stupid.

The ease with which the slayers killed the Turok-Han. Hmmm... I didn't mind that, they knew more about them (how to get at their hearts and the chopping off of the head) ; they had gained more experience points which manifested as attack roll modifiers (if you like role player style dogma) and there was A SHIT LOAD OF SLAYERS. It was balls out action (or twats out, if you prefer)which I was more in favour of than some new information spontaneously manifesting just in time or some equally weak plot device.

Speaking of weak plot devices, that manifested in the form of Spike's amulet, but that was cool in a pulpy campy way. He looked funny wearing the champion's amulet and it reminded me of Doctor Strange.

That's what me and DVStee reckon.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:22 / 17.06.03
Spike's return in Angel has been confirmed, Fraely, in press releases and interviews mentioned or linked to repeatedly here. Eg, interview with James Marsters here, as seen in the other Buffy 7 thread.

I feel I should avoid commenting too much on season 7 until I've watched more than the two episodes I've seen so far, but... The second half doesn't sound good. And unless he comes back *radically* changed and affected by the experience in some way, Spike's death *will* be somewhat cheap and meaningless. You know, like Buffy's second death.
Gary Lactus
11:16 / 17.06.03
I dismissed the Spike thing mainly because I saw a load of bollocks about the final battle being a dream in Angels head, Spike turning up and explaining how everyone died fighting the first except him. Having read more I now believe in the resurrection. Still don't think it was a lame death, though. Cool amulet. Made Spike look like a beatnick.

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