It's just five now, isn't it?
Aaah, the pain.
No, it's sweet that it's ending - all the best things do. Underlines the fact that the creators actually care about their creation. S'got dignity, and all that.
The other night, sat up with Worrel Thompson and Kay taking in the sights and sounds of eps 7 - 12 (Worrel hadn't had the chance to viddy much of this season, so we were playing catch-up). Everyone seemed to be enjoying the twisted sexual antics (we shall forever refer to Spike as 'PAIN GIMP'), and the general pace and feel of the thing, but, the next day, Kay was down on it. He had a big problem with the war stuff, viewing it as feeding more nasty shit back into the grander righteous-battle-against-the-forces-of-darkness narrative that's besieged our heads (and other peoples bodies and countries) over the last few months/years. Worrel and I resorted to the usual arguments: "Buffy's been building up to this for aaages!", "Yeah, the shows been pregnant with big-scrap potential for simply forever. It's the logical way to end this story!" With that, Kay pointed out that it was just an easy way out and perhaps the writers should have shown a bit more imagination. The conversation fizzled out after that. I thought he had a pretty persuasive argument, really....
Until I went away and thought about it....
It occured to me that the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and, while we're gearing up for one enormous stand off between the slayers and the vampires (+ one devil), I'm fairly convinced the "war's" resolution will have more to do with 'and end to arms' than it will big fisticuffs. Point being, I don't think Buffy can beat this thing by having a fight with it. The script's underlining this huge, right-in-front-of-our-noses clue EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK. What with the source of Buffy's abilities being pure essence-of-(first)evil, 'heart of the demon' stuff and her instinctive rejection of more of the same, I'm pretty sure the story will follow her cue and will naturally result in a giving up - a surrendering - of power as opposed to an increase in Slayer muscle density.
Basically, Buffy's got to say goodbye to superdom.
I can't shake the feeling that there's a symbiosis between her and the First - her presence gives it power (a la Buffy returning from the grave kicking this thing off). The old chesnut about fighting giving yr enemy strength....
How else do you rationalise an end to the "mission"? It all makes perfect sense - afterall, they prolly won't bother killing her again.
And I still think the First will dress up as the Master before this shit is through. Just for the symmetry. 'Cause it's pretty. |