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Home Education

Mordant Carnival
16:50 / 08.10.01
I'm curious about this phenomenon. I was homeschooled from just under the age of six years, and didn't return to full-time conventional education until age fifteen. I think there might be an article in all this somewhere, but I'd like to get other people's input/opinions/experiences before I start blathering on about cusinair rods and social isolation.
So, any other 'Lithers homeschooled, homeschooling, mukkers of homeschoolers, or just wanting to shove in their two ha'p'orth? Ta.

(P.S.: Before anyone starts: Yes, I have seen that episode of South Park. Yes, it was very amusing. Now bugger off.)

[ 08-10-2001: Message edited by: Mordant Carnival ]
Mordant Carnival
15:16 / 11.10.01
No? Not even a giant plastic hamster ball joke? Oh well.
Frances Farmer
16:10 / 11.10.01
I was removed from middle school in the 8th grade, and then returned to the public school system for the 9th grade (beginning of highschool in the U.S.). Halfway through 9th grade, I was again removed (in fact, at my own behest and thanks to the graciousness of my mother).

I was never schooled with discipline. I was raised by a single mother, and she was very, very busy with her career. We had a deal that she would finance the books and tools I asked for, if I would be at least somewhat diligent in teaching myself. Of course, the other requirement involved me passing all of the standardized tests.

I did, despite the fact that I worked full-time (illegally) at 14.

Public education in the U.S., in my opinion, is mostly fluff and bullshit. They sadly fail to teach you how to learn, which is truly something that can only be learned by the individual. Because the system totally discounts the value and importance of individual expression and interpretation, the public school system will always fail to generate unique thinkers capable of educating themselves throughout their lives. Which, I think, ought to be the goal. While the U.S. will produce plenty of perfectly unique and intelligent people (evidenced by many members of Barbelith), that occurs in spite of, not because of, the U.S. public school system.

I wasn't isolated. I hung out with gutterpunks and "neo-hippies", played guitar on streetcorners, and in general, was a social misfit of sorts - but social is the keyword, here.

I recall very, very fondly my experiences in homeschooling. I credit my mother's decision for a lot of the better aspects of my personality and intellectual style, if you will.

There's my take on it.
Frances Farmer
20:41 / 14.10.01
Well, Mordant, I gave it a shot.

In fact, this'll bump it.

I don't think there are a lot of home-educators/educatees about.
08:34 / 15.10.01
I posted to this the other day but then my system went screwy so it looks like it didn't appear....
Anyway, I got kind of an unusual homeschooling. I'd been nagging my folks to get me out of the school system since starting the horror that was british secondary school (bullying. blech!) at 11. For years they wouldn't go for it because they figured home schooling = paying a home tutor to come in and there was no way they could afford that.

Then I got ill and ended up spending most of my time at home anyway (with piles of books to quietly do my own thing and the occasional assignment sent over from the school) plus, mum being the entrenprenuring type always had a home business on the go which made for a certain kind of education in itself - on my well-er days I worked for her and earnt enough money for driving lessons and all sorts! (You don't get that sort of fun at school!)

During that time I mixed with adults easily - but show me someone my age and I'd've rather gone and hid under a table.
I did kind of go into my shell around that time (can you say hyper-shy & selfconscious - although I think that came mainly from the treatment I got on the rare times I put in an appearance at the school - I kind of expected most people my age to be total shits.) and it took a few years to get used to dealing with people who weren't vastly older than me.
(Night school and having my own market stall did the trick for that one - but that's a whole different story!)
Aaah, the memories.
18:36 / 19.10.01
for what it's worth

scroll down & there is a section on homeschooling.

[ 19-10-2001: Message edited by: Persephone ]
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