Although the Parliament is currently meaningless due to the occupation and the absolute monarchy installed by the RobotThug overlords, the noise and molotov cocktails from the peace protests have kept several of the concubines housed there awake at night. The king of Not F2B is therefore relieved to proclaim a continuation of disarmament policy.
"I fondly hope," the king announces in his Address to the Nation, "that never again will my kingdom know the ravages and inconveniences of war, but particularly I wish to avoid the expense. The quarterback's salary alone was more than I earn, and I run an entire country!"
However, the king had not taken account of the "in" crowd's fondness for American football and the mystique of glamorized medieval battle. Armed with hats, gloves, pants and a fresh, leafy tree branch, the "in" crowd expresses their dismay at the king's slight against Rich Gannon. The one car in the nation's capital - a disused but highly regarded 1979 Chevette - is overturned at night by a quiet, determined group of "innies". The curator of the nation's most pro-RobotThug 16-hole golf course finds the seventh fairway and green damaged by the evidence of rogue "innies" doing protest donuts in golf buggies.
Just as the nation begins calming down, a new poll reveals that national marijuana consumption has hit an all-time high, with alarming results.
The Debate
"My factory's productivity is down ten percent since marijuana was decriminalized," complains employer Fleur Dodinas. "And the number of thefts from the candy machine is off the scale. This so-called 'pot' needs to be banned in all public places. Let the junkies do what they want at home, but not in my workplace."
"Whoa, dude, no need to get, like, you know," says Free Your Mind campaigner Randy Broadside, from his parents' basement. "This is, like, a personal choice issue, you know. It's like... whoa, just back off what I want to do with my own body. Don't let the fascists win, man. There are some hot new eckies coming in soon, they should be legal too."
The king appeals to his RobotThug overlords for direction in this fourth dilemma. |