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21:43 / 20.09.01
"Getting to the root of the problem" is a very well known phrase, but how often is a problem reallygot at at the root?

In my opinion not ever really!

Problems are talked about and seemingly solved on the face of things all to often.
We go about life thinking we've solved things but were more likley to have purpetuated the problem in the long run!

It seems to me that all problems stem from the same root, and I say that root is socity.

I could give examples but there's too many to choose from.

Toughts and opinions?
Cat Chant
11:09 / 21.09.01
Which society, Thrasher?

I do cultural theory at a little university here on Gauda Prime, and I'm working at the moment on "primary divisions" and roots - eg the idea that the origin of human society and language is the division of territory into fields (necessary for agriculture). Derrida wrote 'Of Grammatology' on this sort of thing, suggesting that this primary division was a sort of primary writing (arche-writing) and hence throwing the idea of the "root" or origin of society (or anything else) into confusion, since writing is usually thought of as secondary to the "root" of speech...

I worry about saying that all problems stem from a single "root" - takes me back to 70's discussions over whether sexism or classism was the prior/primary evil from which everything else stemmed... But I think I secretly agree with you, Thrasher, though I'd say that 'the root of the problem' is heterocentrism (heterosexuality - the division of the race into 2 sexes and the division of the human psyche so that you identify as one sex and desire the other, is also almost always seen as the origin of society/culture, eg by Levi-Strauss & Freud & possibly Engels though I haven't read his book yet). I'd hesitate to defend that too strongly though.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
11:15 / 21.09.01
The same society that is the 'root' is also the branch and the only thing worth doing, Thrasher.

Y'all need to get into a li'l more depth, thar.
Jackie Susann
07:30 / 24.09.01
yeah, i would add that saying the root of all problems is society is a little like saying the root of all problems is molecules. sure, but it's/they're everywhere, it's the root of all solutions too. like nick said, you need to be more specific.
14:42 / 25.09.01
give me some time to think about specifics
i'm going away for a bit and i'll dwell on it for when i get back

i shall make a new thread for it.
17:57 / 25.09.01
Wittgenstein said something like:
"Culture is a rhizome" I think this is a much more apt metaphor than 'root'. Go to the most knotted/densest rhizomic junctures of the problem??????????????
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