I was told today that the mythical city Atlantis had residing on its location a time loop of sorts, this time loop enabled the people to travel forward(etc) in time and bring things(technology) back with them, this is why there are pictures of UFO's all around the world, depicting the same thing, they arent really from space, but from these time loops. Atlantis (according to this guy) was situated in the area now known as the Burmuda Triangle and this is why so much disappears there. This person also said that there are 'lines' of 'energy' running through the burmuda triangle and australia and millions of other places, and when these intersect they create a sort of 'time-loop' and the more of them that intersect in one place the stronger the 'link'. He said that the Australian Aboriginal walkabout was exacly on this line and this explains how Egyptian type artifacts have been found in NSW in the desert. He gave many other examples but I cant be bothered.
Can anyone give me verification of this story? Or is he just taknig advantage of my impressionable and naive young mind
Please Ive almost lost all hope |