The US should first learn of understanding the basics of humanity. And remember its not the US but also his allies. You guys seem to forget that what Bush is doing, or at least what he/they are planning will effect our entire planet, not only humans but our nature and animal Kingdom as well.
The US should stop with its pyramid system, nobody is above the other, we are all equal and as such we are one. The roll of leadership can not be, not the way they want it to be and not the way it has been for the last 2000 years.
If the US wants to play preacher by telling the world how it should live, than the words they preach must come from thoughts equality and feelings of unity. What is happening now should NOT be in the hands of the ruling parties, but should come from the hearts of the American people the way they are showing it now.
It should be a service to others State and not a self service State as it has been for the last 400 years+.
The sad thing is that most of you don’t seem to want to know that its not just about Bush and what he wants and demands (how in heavens name could the US people vote for this clown is beyond me) and its not something of today, what you are witnessing started ages ago, and is a battlefield of religions, but sadly they , the US governments made the biggest mistakes in 1947 Rosswell and especially when they decided to make a pact with the wrong aliens.
Then what they thought would not happen as it was predicted ages ago by so many like Nostradamus etc, and because it never came to terms, that what was predicted by one man, has now happened. The Anti-Christ showed his face on the 911, why because : 2000 years ago Christ replied to the question, when will his Kingdom come? That the end of the present age ( the end, that is, of the pagan organisation of the world) would come when the calamities of mankind had increased to the utmost, and when the good news of the Kingdom of God( that is, the possibility of a new system of live free from violence) had been proclaimed throughout the world. ( Matt. xxiv. 3-28.) “of that day and hour knoweth no man, but my father only”(Matt. xxiv. 36) he said. “For it can come at any minute, even when least expected”. ( from Tolstóy ‘the Kingdom of God is Within You)
So he said this 2000 years ago, and they waited and waited, but nothing happened, not in 1999 and no big bang at the turn of the millennium. That is why they waited until the end= after the 7 month of 1999= October to sign the documents, that ushered in the new era Called the New World Order, their dream of total control. Because nothing happened, they got bold and arrogant showing their faces more and more. They taught that they were now safe. And they started to despair the people more and more taking away their future dreams the mass-layoffs were the beginning of what they had planned for us in the next few years. Lowering the incomes by raising the prices of everything, pushing genetic foods that make people sick, condoning violence, scaring the common men etc T
hey thought they were safe. But what happened instead people around the world started to pray in themselves, other people started to hack to get into governmental computers and take out all that has been kept hidden from the people, to show it to the people trough the internet, and because so many people were getting sicker and sicker they started to check the internet, and we all know what happens if you log in, a world of information, for free. So more and more people around the world started to whish for a better world and started to realize that it can be done. The circle of thoughts travelled around the world and when it came to full circle, these thought called for a new beginning and that is when it was time for him to come and
for that what has been predicted to start.
As he said ‘when they least expect it’
The sad thing is, that the people around the western world, have been programmed, to not to believe in the Supernatural or aliens, what you can not see does not exist. By showing you all these movies all that is happening and has happened, has become fiction, while it is this fiction that shows you the truth.
The history of humanity has been filmed from the day they could, they have showed you what they did, how they did, what they are doing and what our future would look like. Lets take The Devils Advocate ( Keanu Reeves All Pacino, by the way Ke-Anu Reeves his name Is Lomax in real live, just as his wife in the movie and his mother in the movie), no way you say, this is all imagination, fiction, for Christ sake it’s the movies.
NO ITS NOT THE MOVIES! Every thing we see is the OPPOSITE of true REALITY.
Before you ask, what role should the US play in the world, you better get to know that world for real, and realize, what role it has been playing in the world since the beginning, and ask yourself, for real, why so many billions have been paid to Israel over these last years? Why no new laws can be made without them consulting the home base, The UNITED KINGDOM. You all have seen his last speech were he was in awe of the UK and Blair(witch) but if you want to know if I am right go and do some research and find out who Speaker Has-tert, minority leader Geb-hardt, majority leader Dash-le and the most dangerous of all Senator LOTT are.
And do not fear, if you feel compassion, you help without asking, you have nothing to fear. Its not the end it’s a new beginning. Humanity will win and they will loose.
[ 23-09-2001: Message edited by: Laila ] |