BARBELITH underground

Subcultural engagement for the 21st Century...
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Fist Fun
06:55 / 09.09.01
I was walking past some kind of Scientology building the other day. The window was full of posters with inspiring slogans. "The faith to be yourself", etc. It struck me how nice it must be to belong to an organisation with a network of support. I'm talking about religious groups and things like AA. A place where people can go and support each other. A place where not everything is competitive. Maybe this is what a family should be. Maybe this is what a group of friends should be. Maybe there are humanist groups that fill a similar function. It just seems such a peaceful refuge from the killing competition of capitalist society. A break from the power game.
What do you think about support groups? Do you think Barbelith could be classed as a support community? Anybody belong to any interesting groups? Anyone got anything to share?
Cat Chant
07:50 / 09.09.01
I was talking to a friend who's a Quaker recently: the Quakers call themselves The Friends, and I was interested because the name suggests a community which is organized around horizontal (friend-friend) relationships. Freud theorized all group relationships as passing through the leader as ego-ideal of the group, so that all horizontal relationships were mediated by the vertical one (his ideal models were the Christian Church, headed by Christ, and the Army, headed by the Commander-in-Chief).

Apparently there is debate among the Friends as to whether their organization is mediated thru a relationship to Christ, or whether it is based on horizontal friends-relationships.

Most of the examples you cite seem to be the Freudian sort - certainly both Scientology and the AA have a belief in a 'higher power' thru which member-member relationships take form.

Who is the leader of Barbelith? Tom? GM? The word 'Barbelith'? Or is the basis of the group entirely horizontal (though with some degree of hierarchy, ie Tom putting his money where our mouths are)? Is this board an attempt to create a rhizomatic group structure?
Fist Fun
07:05 / 10.09.01
I'd don't really know anything about the insides of AA, or any other support group. I didn't know they had a belief in a higher power. What is it?
Talking about Barbelith well my first impressions are that it is a horizontal meritocracy. Everyone has an equal chance to voice themselves, but the effect will be based on the worthiness of the contribution and/or of previous contributions.
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