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What does Grant Morrison expect Barbelith to evolve into?


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yawn - thing's buddy
22:07 / 25.12.02
barbelith can't evolve!

it's a bleedin placenta.


maybe we could eat it?
Tom Coates
22:24 / 25.12.02
I think the annoying thing about the whole interaction with Grant for me is that I don't think he's really explored practically the implications of having a thousand people interested in exploring or pushing the boundaries of interaction and expression online - mostly keen to make or do something creative or extreme. I've always hoped he'd feed some input in because I always hoped that he might be the person to help define the next X amount of years of creative thought and organisation.

I suppose, as a kind of weird shaman futurologist I hoped he'd be able to gesture in a variety of directions which we could then investigate and take up / ignore / refute / prove...

In fact the stuff I've been happiest with recently is the wiki! That was tremendously creative and I don't know why we didn't do something like it yeras ago! A complete FAQ assembled in a couple of days by creative work from a ramdon collective of people. I like that a lot...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:42 / 25.12.02
As Dave Allen said to the Pope: "If you don't play the game, don't make the rules."
01:40 / 27.12.02
Glassing the cats could refer to simply turning the cats into glass with the use of magick or highly advanced science developed in the Lab.

We could then break the fuckers over the bar and hit him with them. Which would be infinitely more cruel.
02:51 / 27.12.02
It's about ten to five in the Barbemorn, the last post was about half an hour ago.

Does Barbelith sleep?

*mumbles something about the unblinking eye of the innernet and stumbles off again*
Old brown-eye is back
21:23 / 27.12.02
Or, OR! dipping a cat into a vat of molten glass, pulling it out and waiting for it to harden. Whumph - a big meeowing ornament.

It would have to be a super cat, though.
23:08 / 27.12.02
I guess we're all just re-asking the question in different ways, so here's my vote for question to pursue:

What is Barbelith evolving out of? What is this place?
04:36 / 28.12.02
Why does it have to evolve anyway? Its a place where people come together and idea magick happens through communication. Barbelith is like a pub. Its really just a place. Its the people involved in it that are doing the evolving.

How have you changed from interacting with it?
yawn - thing's buddy
09:14 / 28.12.02
yeah. it's like a pub.

And we are all Chris Moyles.

'The Barbelith and Bull'
Jack Denfeld
07:06 / 22.11.03
Barbelith Assemble!!

08:58 / 22.11.03
Fantastic- do we get to do one of those "beginning of Secret Wars" things, where we all stand in a line and someone (I dunno, maybe Ganesh, or Flux) says "just in case anyone hasn't met, we'd better introduce ourselves" and then we do just that? That was my favourite piece of comic book realism EVER.

By the way... "I'm Stoatie. I drink booze and try not to. Sometimes I swear." (In case you couldn't tell, I was striking a cliched "stoatie" pose when I typed that.)

Yay! Tom as the Beyonder! (Only without the bad SWII weird Elvis/Michael Jackson/David Hasselhoff thing going on).
Our Lady of The Two Towers
09:37 / 22.11.03
I'm Count Otto Von Doom, also known as 'The Handsome'.
Baz Auckland
11:23 / 22.11.03
"I'd tell you which superhero I am, but The Beyonder sent me here before I could change into my spandex. So I'll tell you who my alter-ego is and you have to try and guess, ok?"
Baz Auckland
11:23 / 22.11.03
"! I'm not Spiderman!"
8===>Q: alyn
12:57 / 22.11.03
"This is rigodamdiculous. I'm Qalyn and I embarrass myself on a regular basis. Wanna make something of it, turbodouche?"

("Rigodamdiculous" is my "Clobberin' time!")
El Gato Was Right: the t-shirt
14:11 / 22.11.03
Jack, you have to explain yourself. Before your Barbelith Assemble post, the last post was Yawn's -- in Dec. 2002. What was your train of thought? I'm awed.
pachinko droog
16:44 / 22.11.03
The ancestor spirits say that to ensure a good cannabis crop this year, we must offer up Grant Morrison as a sacrifice to the great water filtration device that our universe resides in.

What shall it be then? Wicker Man or Aztec old-school?
rizla mission
20:47 / 22.11.03

Let's do it! I'm sure he'll understand.
Tryphena Absent
20:50 / 22.11.03
Yes, he's good about that sort of thing!
Murray Hamhandler
01:00 / 23.11.03
"I, dericgeneric, have no idea what Jack was thinking by resurrecting this thread. But then I take it that you weren't speaking to me, as my power, since my possession*, is to be perpetually ignored by everyone. "

*Fabulous X-People #385
- Rantin' Randy!
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
15:59 / 23.11.03
"Hello, I am Shiva, the Destoryer, shatterer of worlds. Now, pull my finger."
Eloi Tsabaoth
17:59 / 23.11.03
"I'm the Sandman! No, not that wimpy goth chump, or the Forties nutjob in the gasmask. I'm the one who is literally a man. Made. Of sand. Because I was on a beach when an atom bomb went off and... "
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
18:06 / 23.11.03
OK, the DC Sandman who can become sand and recently died or the Marvel one who recently had a bout with multiple personality disorder in a Sam Keith story?

Ghods, I am SO uncool.
pachinko droog
18:25 / 23.11.03
Of course, if we do go through with the sacrifice, we need a really fab soundtrack to accompany the ritual. Any recommendations?
Eloi Tsabaoth
18:28 / 23.11.03
I'm the ex-con with the Osbourne do and the stripy sweater. Duh.
rizla mission
20:23 / 23.11.03
I remember him.. he was ace.
16:38 / 24.11.03
Chris Moyles is a fat fuckin alien twat.
16:42 / 24.11.03
No offence to aliens intended, or fat people and twats.
23:13 / 24.11.03
"Oi, Galactus, down in front!"

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