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Info on Sociology for school

18:24 / 01.09.01
So... are there any particularly interesting books on the subject that com at it from, for want of a better term, a "Barbelithian" angle? I might be starting an A-Level course on it, but it'll involve some jiggery-pokery with the college, but it's still something I'd like to read up on. All help gratefully recieved, and I may end up being more specific in what I'd like later.
rizla mission
19:21 / 01.09.01
I did Sociology A level and it absolutely sucked. I got a D.

You could try reading "Sociology for Beginners" (with a Cyborg Amazon on the front(!)) because it has little or nothing to do with Sociology and is, well, quite headfucking in it's own way..

As far as proper Sociology books go, there's one called "Sociology in Focus" by .. can't remember who wrote it, which covers everything on the A level course in a far smaller space than the massive text book which is 'officially' used.
Dee Vapr
19:38 / 01.09.01
Try The Problem of Sociology by David Lee and Howard Newby, it was a first year degree text, but I think it would be suitable for A-Level. Thought it was really clearly written, informative.

[ 01-09-2001: Message edited by: Dee Vapr ]
pantone 292
16:34 / 02.09.01
yes the Icon Beginners Guide series are really good - Cultural Studies, Marx, Freud etc.
Also try Dominic Strinati's 'Introduction to theories of Popular Culture'
22:37 / 02.09.01
I actually got kicked out of my Sociology class. We were having a discussion on social norms, and I went off on my by-the-book-professor. I hope you don't get a professor like mine. Fucking Fontanta. Total brainwasher, the guy.

Read Apocolypse Culture I or II.
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