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Big Brother ISN'T watching

Our Lady of The Two Towers
17:07 / 30.08.01
Interesting article over at Disinfo about how a society such as Orwell posits couldn't happen.
I think s-he is missing the point slightly, in that Orwell's story isn't real but anyway...

[ 30-08-2001: Message edited by: The Ungodly Lozt and Found Office ]
Lurker in the corner
15:49 / 31.08.01
Are you sure it can't happen? They ARE watchng, you know.
16:02 / 31.08.01
I've been wondering if "Big Brother" is just a meme in action. Is it nature's way of showing how things run better (as a whole, not individually) in unison and under the guise of a larger entity?

Efficiency is definitely a goal of some large carnal need out you think government is aware of this (and tries to follow suit (albeit very poorly) but gets tripped up since humans when you come down to it are instinctually selfish and self referential? Is that why those who can live better and more comfortably even at the cost of others invariably will?
Mordant Carnival
18:45 / 31.08.01
But... but... I put this dress on specially .
pantone 292
19:04 / 31.08.01
very charming you look too
Mordant Carnival
19:32 / 31.08.01
See? SEE? and they told me I was paranoid!

Has anyone got any touche eclat?
pantone 292
19:39 / 31.08.01
but does the frock match the footwear?
Mordant Carnival
19:56 / 31.08.01
These boots go with anything, baby. You wanna argue with a chick in 18-hole Doc Marten knockoffs? I thought not.
pantone 292
20:03 / 31.08.01
oh, the spy cam is on the blink, thought they were neatly laddered stockings, ca va bien
Mordant Carnival
20:19 / 31.08.01
Well, yeah, time to fess up. The stockings are laddered, very neatly, all in a row... Serve me right for buying knockoff Docs instead of the real thing.

Actually, I might as well just paint my outfit on the spycam and stand there smiling when you happen to be tuned in....
03:09 / 04.09.01
Big brother is watching Nick at Nite. He was watching you, and got bored.

It's human nature.
the Fool
04:47 / 04.09.01
Big Brother wants US to watch HIM. He's got his own house and eveything...

[ 04-09-2001: Message edited by: the Fool you though you knew ]
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