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19:13 / 27.08.01
May not sound like much to some of you but may be importened to others.

So this question just made blink in my mind:

What does family mean to you?

I´m quite sure what it means to me,well actually I´m not because it means a lot off things to me.

Ask my at 5 different days you 7 different answers.
1.Family the people which raised me the people hows fault it´s what I am to day.
The people I help wether I want or not because they are my flesh and blood(sounds dump but I still belive in this).That few people why know that I´m hurt because they can feel it in their blood.

2.My close friends they ones how help you to move bodies you know that kind I hope.The kind of friends you actually can and will call after the biggest fight you ever had with friends.With so of these I got the same fucked up mental link I with my "blood".

3.VERY RARE.People (they don´t have to be blood or friends) you trust.People in which hands you can lay your life and KNOW right then and there they won´t fuck you over.

This are three things I can think off now.

What do you think about family?
Dee Vapr
20:29 / 27.08.01
I was having a conversation with my mother this evening. She was asking me if "she could have been a better mother". If it could have made me a "happier individual". I told her it was "water under the bridge" and to leave it. She spent the next three hours in a childish huff. I guess an emotional impasse has been reached there.

My definition of "family" is biological and that's pretty much it.

Biological family are as likely to fuck an individual up as their social circle, and trying to hysterically force this concept of social family onto your friends, trusted confidants, is just folly. Only in as much as paternal / maternal instincts get diverted, I think, there. And they're just as likely to get attatched to pets, celebrities, cars...

I seriously think that raising people in family units whilst simultaneous creating an environment of market economy and culture that seems hell bent on terminally dividing people and isolating them, is well, a bit... insane. Unsurprising then maybe, spiralling rates of suicide, dysfunction, depression social deviance.

quote:VERY RARE.People (they don´t have to be blood or friends) you trust.People in which hands you can lay your life and KNOW right then and there they won´t fuck you over.

Lex, I just don't believe these people exist at all, I think humans tend to (and are being taught to be) inherently unreliable, self-interested. Which is perfectly natural, if you think about it.

[ 27-08-2001: Message edited by: Dee Vapr ]
08:54 / 28.08.01
Actually about this very rare kind of person: I know two.

Dee please don´t take this personal because it isn´t could you be so nice and repait that in idiot speak cause I ´m a non native speaker.what do you mean with economy?

The thing is word family is a simbol for me.
Something I can depend on.Backup somehow.
Personal percepion:I could always count on my family they never let my down.
Its not perfect but we can trust and depened on each other.
That is a good thing so maybe I´m conditionated to belive Family is actuall a good thing not just people how ruin your live before it actually starts.

[ 28-08-2001: Message edited by: Lex ]
Cherry Bomb
12:19 / 28.08.01
I used to think of family as a constraint on me. Especially growing up, 'cuz they were so much more conservative than me, and Dad was so overprotective - he still has that problem from time to time but I've gained enough power to say "knock it off, Dad."

Now I think at least about that family as a cushion. It's nice to know that they're there. They've got my back. They're there for me when I'm upset, when I need money, when I have no place to go. And they love me for being me. Plus they're fun, so I have fun with them, too. Which is not to say they don't ALL annoy me at times (I've got a large family) but I'm sure the feeling is mutual.

That's my biological family. But I also have my "urban family" as it were, and those are just my friends who I know have always got my back, and will always be there for me. And vice versa. They know me and my faults and love me either in spite of or because of them.

Family's always been a tough issue for me. On the one hand I feel like I can't live without them - on the other they have been a big constraint on me at times.
Dee Vapr
14:26 / 28.08.01
Sorry, if I came on a bit strong there, Lex, I was a bit depressed last night, and I think I overstated my point, which was basically:

the conflict between "family" social ideals and and increasing individualistic world.

by "economy" I meant exactly that, the market, in an erm, ECONOMIC sense. didn't explain that well, did I?

and don't worry about your understanding of English, honey, you write it fine, it's me. I fear I'm an incomprehensible obscure fool at times.
16:29 / 28.08.01
One advantage of promoting close familial ties is that they are multi-generational. Tasks need to be performed at various stages in life, and these interlock in a very effective way if done well.

Parents, of course, have an obligation to their children. Family gatherings at times like Thanksgiving and Christmas play an important role in maintaining mental health. And therefore in maintaining physical health. Why? Because we need to feel we are part of a larger organism. For someone leading an active social life with plenty of friends may not significantly benefit from close ties with family, but none of us live an active social life all the time. Many people go through states of depression, and loneliness. And what do we find? That at these times, friends are LESS likely to call on you. Because, as they say, you can pick your friends.

But in giving us the option to pick our friends, we lose something we can count on. Because what does it take to terminate a friendship? Just stop calling. That's it. Nothing big. What does it take to terminate your status as son, daughter, cousin, or sibling? It may be done, I suppose, but it always seems a big deal.

"His parents disowned him."
"Wow. That sucks. Just for that? Man, that pisses me off."

And when you are older, and your friends start to die off, what happens to you? Your spouse is gone, and your medical bills are draining you? Can you live alone anymore? Can you even walk?

Of course, a family can be worse for you than none at all. Abusive parents are all too common. There are sometimes reasons to avoid particular family memebers, or even all family memebers. But this seems a great sacrifice. One, perhaps worth making, but a sacrifice nonetheless.
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