IN some leter-talks with friends this days, and in the chaos worldwide mail list, a theme started to form, a personal doubt that you fine people can help me to solve, here it is:
If you have kids, or if you participate in the
formation of children (particularly young children),
have you educated them in pagan beliefs and/or
magic(k) from the beginning? What is paedagogically
better for them? Will they be affected by being
outsiders during their childhood? I mean, most of us
(I supose) have been outsiders most of our lives, but
it was by our own options (or magical redestination,
if wou will). What will happen when these magickal
kids get to adoilescence (the rebelion)?
Is it better to educate them in magick for their power, or is it necesary to deconstruct the ego as an adult to be a better one, spiritually? How do you handle things like Xmas? |