Okay kids, here's the deal. Looks like it's time for one of those "so there's this girl" talks. I know it's lame as fuck, but hear me out. I need help.
But first some backround. I have recently discovered that random, attachment free sexual encounters with attractive women does not make me as happy as I thought it would. I mean, it's fun (really fun, actually), and it's what I always thought I wanted. Big surprise, right? Turns out what you thought would be kickass in highshcool doesn't always turnout that way...
So I've decided that maybe it might be worth a shot to start a relationship (gasp!). But the thing is, I've never been good at those. In fact, I'm terrible. I'm pretty sure my ex-gf's have started a newsletter. I've never cheated on anyone, but that certainly doesn't make me a good boyfriend. It always started out with me being at least fond of someone, but I always lose interest and they end up feeling almost like a pet to me. At which point it's time to break it off, and then there's the tears, the slapping, the name calling, and so on. I don't get hurt, because by the time it's all over I have no feelings for them anyway.
But going around hurting people like this over and over is pretty irresponsible, so eventually I stopped when I realized that a pattern was emerging.
But. Now I feel like trying again. And there's someone I'd like to try it with, someone that I don't think I can lose interest in so quickly. Why? Because she's a close friend. I value her friendship. It's not often I feel this close to people, even as friends, which is why I'd like to try it with her. So I don't think that anything can happen that will make me never want to have her somewhere in my life.
So what I need to know is
A. Is it a good idea to try this? It's not like I can't be around her without wanting to be with her. I'm content being friends. Is asking for more just plain greedy?
B. How on earth do I approach her about this? In a tactful manner, that is.
There are a number of new risks for me. Thanks to my medication, and the fact that I actually care a great deal for this person, I am risking getting seriously hurt if a relationship occurs. I've never before had to take a risk like that. Most of my relationships were out of convienence, for me anyway. Which I know is a horrible thing when the other person doesn't know that. That's why I stopped doing it.
Christ! What do I do? How do I do it? I've never been in anything close to this situation before. Gimme a hand.
By the way, I know this is really lame. Don't make fun of me or I'll cut off your head. And then feed it to pigs. |