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Letter to Santa: What do you want for Christmas?


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16:17 / 02.12.02
So you naughty little bastards, what does your Christmas list look like this year?
Our Lady of The Two Towers
17:03 / 02.12.02
My two front teef, the love of a good slave and the Babylon 5 DVD set.
17:16 / 02.12.02
Excess restrained. Just a bit of salad to counter the ducks and geeses and pork and whatever. No presents necessary for me, but I don't think my family understands. Bastards. Warm weather. Especially if it's sunny. Just enough alcohol to perpetuate the drowsy drunkiness all day & night long. The cartoon on telly that I used to watch when I was a child. Something about kids that can travel interdimensionally through a closet; and something about this other dimension ruled by a snow queen. Failing that, the monkey god(?) cartoon, he has a staff that can grow incredibly long. The kindness of friends, so that I can pass some time in Copenhagen, especially the kindness from a particular friend, who's going to Greenland the 21st. No fucking snow. Bargains. I love thrift stores.

Oy! I had some wishes after all.
17:44 / 02.12.02
I'd like a new nose, please, one that works this time. And I want the ten-year extended warranty.
gentleman loser
17:49 / 02.12.02
I ask for the same thing every year: world peace.

Since I never get it I can only conclude that Santa Claus is a shameless whore bastard who's only reason for being is proping up the sagging U.S. retail sector once a year.
17:50 / 02.12.02
I know it's sapppy but Peace on Earth, Goodwill from all, to all.

Failing that, oral sex.
18:22 / 02.12.02
That cartoon sounds a lot like Narnia to me. Either that or Hans Christian Andersen's Stargate.
01:56 / 03.12.02
For real? Narnia? As I don't think it is HC Andersens tale. The rest I am able to recall is that the snow queen had a cane and a whip, and that she wore a purple/white dress.

When I strip all my pretensions down to a minimum, all I could ask for this christmas would probably be for the western world to learn one thing and two about treating family members like they ought to be treated, under influence from the patterns in muslim societies, and for the muslim societies to be influenced by the western world in regards to female authority (as I believe that women are superior to men) and lessen their laws that go against the general, balanced human behaviour.

I guess I am under the influence of the remarks from a Turk, that went something along like, that instead of taking care of our elderly, we send them to elderly homes, and instead of taking care of our children, we send them to kindergardens, and that instead of helping our poor, we expect that our municipal system provides a lowly aid.
Saint Keggers
03:10 / 03.12.02
My list.

1)Buffy DVDs Every season thats out on DVD
2)A Mayline for my illustration table
3)A flash for my coolpix
4)A lighting setup for my studio
5)A pool table
6)A cd-re/writer
7)The complete run of Kids In The Hall on DVD (I wish)
8)The book 'The Enchanted Tollbooth'
9)Where the Wild Things Are figurines (from McFarlane toys)
10) and one of those 50 inch plasma screen tv's.
04:59 / 03.12.02
Charles Darwin
06:50 / 03.12.02
I want Susan, May, Pam, Alice, Cann, Linda & Jane
Our Lady of The Two Towers
09:04 / 03.12.02
It's a bugger trying to get all the 'Making Out' books isn't it?
Goodness Gracious Meme
14:05 / 03.12.02
1)A blender/grinder (soup, smoothies, fresh coffee. mmmm)
2)A polaroid camera - instant photos/presents for friends. Yes!
3)My family christmas to be about 1000 times calmer than last year.
4)the combined shit that most of my friends seem to be going through to just disappear.
Baz Auckland
17:52 / 03.12.02
A plane ticket to Dublin, a ferry ticket to London, a train ticket to Paris, and one to Moscow. One train ticket Moscow->Beijing, one ferry ticket down the Grand Canal to Xian, and then a camel to get me along the Silk Road...mmm...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:10 / 03.12.02
Anything that pays over minimum wage and doesn't suck.

(Sorry. Obsessing again. I'll go and slam my head in the spin-dryer until it stops.)
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:29 / 03.12.02
Oh yah, and Monkey! not only rocks but rules. For those not in the know: Monkey ! - The 70's TV Series is a Japanese telly show based on a work from 16th century China, written by Wu Cheng-en. The book is a fairytale, a satire, a crash-course in human nature, and an all-around blast. Oh yah: and it's fucking funny, too. Here's an Amazon link to get you started. Books: Adventures of Monkey King

Incidentally, if any of my learned bretheren can recommend an English translation of the whole shebang I'd be well chuffed. I've got a small volume with the edited highlights, but I want the big three-volume thing to play around with.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:29 / 03.12.02
Mordant: There's a complete version, edited by Anthony C. Yu. I think it's three volumes, and I think it's about seventeen quid a volume. I haven't read them - only the abridged one.

Everyone else: You haven't lived until you've read "Hey, demon! Taste some of Monkey's fist!" repeatedly.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:30 / 03.12.02
And another.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:37 / 03.12.02
Actually, sign me up for a Journey To The West box set, too. That and a new torso.

Oh, hell. Anything of my wishlist would do. I'll put coal on there if it helps.
Tryphena Absent
22:35 / 03.12.02
A torch, the biggest maglite possible and a new pair of tights with seams down the back because my desk ripped the last ones up.
dj kali_ma
02:54 / 04.12.02
Xmas wishlist as follows:

To suddenly come into enough money to pay off all debts and travel the world.

To find myself in a toilet in Calcutta so that I can tag it.

To find myself on Easter Island with a camera and a friend, so that I may have a picture of me slipping the tongue to a head.

To finally see Radiohead live.

To meet everybody I've ever wanted to meet.

For things to start getting TRULY interesting.

To go back to London for a few more weeks.

I've been a better girl than most this year, Santa.

22:49 / 04.12.02
dear santa, i want a huge lump of dope so i can contact my dead granny. that cunt god took her away on tuesday
The Return Of Rothkoid
22:52 / 04.12.02
A copy of The Oxbow Movie.

Fuck YES!
23:01 / 04.12.02
janina - santa may appear on friday.
Tryphena Absent
23:07 / 04.12.02
ooh la la, my tight supplying santa, how I love - him/her - it!
10:30 / 05.12.02
a) The Rosemary's Baby DVD (even thought I don't own a DVD player. I just want to look at the box at night in the dark in my room and make strange whispering noises).

b) Good teeth
Gary Lactus
10:35 / 05.12.02
A copy of "Steve Irwin: The Crocodile Hunter Collision Course" on DVD.
I have the VHS but I'd wager the special features on the DVD are sure to be really something else! Y'know,like the "Dark Days" DVD.
10:40 / 05.12.02
Your right -

6 'Behind the Scenes' featurettes: 'Setting the Scene with a Killer Croc', 'Lights, Camera, Croc Attack', 'Dicing with Danger', 'Up the Creek with a Croc', 'Snakesational Action', 'The Deadliest Snake in the World'

Croc track - subtitle trivia track

Photo gallery
Our Lady of The Two Towers
19:52 / 13.12.02
Our Lady of The Two Towers
19:54 / 13.12.02
09:46 / 14.12.02
I don't actually want anything - got pen and paper, wood and paints, what more would I need? But I might end up with a new tattoo, bearing in mind the price I was quoted to have a big fuck-off compass etched on me.
Saint Keggers
13:35 / 05.12.03
Seeing as how this threads a year old..Im just gonna reuse my old list wher possible:
1)Buffy DVDs Every season thats out on DVD
2)A Mayline for my illustration table
3)A flash for my coolpix
4)A lighting setup for my studio (and a studio)
5)A pool table
6)I got a cd re/writer so a new hard drive
7)The complete run of Kids In The Hall on DVD (I wish)
8)The book 'The Enchanted Tollbooth'
9)Where the Wild Things Are figurines (from McFarlane toys)
10) and one of those 50 inch plasma screen tv's.
11)Stephen King latest book in the Darktower series, Wolves of the Caela
12)A well stocked bar in the basement
14:04 / 05.12.03
I'll have one of these, please:

Perfect for commuting to work and pottering around town. The continuous bucket mechanism will enable me to mine the shops for CDs, sausage rolls and toys for the nipper, even when I'm on the phone or the toilet (or both). Everyone should have one.
rizla mission
14:10 / 05.12.03
I want Arthur Lee and the reformed Love to play a christmas concert in my house.

Anything less and I'm never speaking to my family again!

Although actually I suppose some records or a DVD player would be good too.
14:11 / 05.12.03
I want:

hugs for sean mcglinchey
my boy
some liquorice
and to sober up a bit. Work Christmas lunches are fun.

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