Well, some of the most interesting evidence points to bullets coming from somewhere other than the Texas Book Repository (the Grassy Knoll being the most popular spot).
According to some, blood splash patterns and JFK's head motions seem to support this (although, from where I sit, it's pretty hard to say), along with the wound patterns (the wounds from a single shot were so widely distributed in the car that the official, single shooter explanation is dubbed "magic bullet theory" in conspiracy circles, since a bullet would have to magically disappear and reappear to zip around to all the spots it'd have to hit).
I've also seen a rather convincing documentary that had a photoraph of and witness testimony concerning three guys on the grassy knoll (The Three Uniforms) who were in the perfect spot to fire and were dressed in such a way not to arouse suspicion - a policeman and two other guys, a fireman and a maintenance worker/construction worker, I think. One guy claims he either saw them getting into their uniforms in a nearby parking lot or else getting out of them and leaving right after the shooting. They were, he says, carrying a box (toolbox? briefcase?) that could have concealed a sniper rifle. I think... it may have been that the guy actually saw the rifle, I can't recall. I remember he was deaf and couldn't get close to the motorcade for some reason (wheelchair?).
One photo taken at the scene does show a figure in the background who appears to be a policeman, but he's so small in the photo, it's hard to tell.
The stuff in the documentary (I reviewed it for Amazon - the filmmaker was British, and it was called something like JFK:uhh, some subtitle - no, wait, it's here!) wouldn't necessarily be in opposition to another gunman being in the book building, but it might diverge from the story built in the book in some other ways. |