I used to think the yellow scarf fellow was Rex Mundi, in another guise, but I guess he's (just... hah!) the Harlequin.
The Sir Miles thing stands up, Sypha - it hadn't occurred to me prior to reading yours, and others, thoughts on it. It seems so obvious now, though! And Seaton/Tom, too...
As for the hand, I think Morrison said in an interview it was from 'off the panel'; but, yes, inside the story it's the only hand we see removed - or rather, about to be removed by Miles with a cleaver.
iconoplast (good name!) - Miles and Beryl were, I think, in love for a while. Because of this, she had to be the optimum target for his initiation.
"Guilt over his part in the death of two women", anyone? Is the other the fox seen in v.3 - a vixen? |