drzener, whenever sun exposure lessens, the brain begins to lack in serotonine, and if the weather in Ireland has been the same as here in Denmark (a month w/o sun now and counting) then it is very understandable that the lack of serotonine should manifest itself as S.A.D. This is your body's way of telling you that you should build up you serotonine level.
Viz: In Short :
When you consume too little fat, cholesterol or sugars, your body ‘punishes’ you with depressions and / or sleeplessness, through receptors in the brain, to force you to consume more of these essential nutrients.
Elevated blood-protein levels impair neurotransmitter metabolism regulating sleep and feelings of happiness. Beta-carbolines from prepared food (proteinacous prepared food in particular), opioid peptides from wheat- and dairy products and cadmium from vegetables and grains do exactly the same.
To be happy and sleep well : Consume as little (especially at night) prepared food, vegetables, grains, milk and wheat-products. (You don't need these at all ; see site3 , 4 and 2/plants) Wake up when the sun rises, and eat as much fruits as you want and sufficient fresh raw egg yolk (mixed with avocado) or fresh raw salmon. (raw animal food requires an hour rest to digest by the way!)
Great 'happy fruits' are : dried date, -fig, papaya, banana, strawberries, sweet cherries, orange, mango, pineapple, grapefruit and hazelnuts. (for optimizing serotonine production)
I hope this helps a little. |