Funny that you mention the cut on the hands bit -- I just heard at a meditation meeting I attend that the chakras have corresponding points in the hand & fingers (the Chinese acupuncture system of chi says the same thing; about how various energy centers are located throughout the body, meridians on the hands, feet, and other areas).
They said that when you bang your finger or your thumb or cut an area on your hand, it means the chakra in that particular area is clearing out a blockage or healing damage done to it in your lifetime.
Which finger or part of your hand was it? Check this diagram for which parts of the hand correspond to which chakras:
This meditation class is always FREE, by the way, and not a lead-in to get you to sign up for some paying cult or something like that. I've been going to their NYC classes for 2 months and they're way cool, run by very good people. They're located all over the world, too -- the link for their site is
they're all over the world. |