Where do you live, MM? You might be able to find a homeless shelter with a nice warm bed. They might have a curfew and probably a "no drunks" policy but it might be nice to sleep in a bed and take a shower. Also, do you have any friends you could call? Parents? Maybe you don't have anyone who would help you, but if I were you, I'd drop out of school for the semester (so as not to ruin my grades), move in with someone and try and work up enuogh cash for a place to live. I realize this might not be an option, just a thought.
Also, have you considered trying to find a food pantry? They might be able to give you a nice meal and some loads of groceries besides. And yes, go apply for food stamps. Go to Catholic Charities - sometimes they'll just give you money (depends).
I've been poor and I've worked with homeless shelters, food pantries, etc. It fucking sucks. I think you probably pissed people off by trying to make it sound "cool" to be homeless, possibly in order to delude yourself or make yourself feel better than you do. Understandable, but it's not cool to be homeless, and besides, you're hardly rejecting capitalism by being homeless. What system do you think is currently responsible for the hordes of working poor out there?
Anyway best of luck to you; hope you get out of this situation. |