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If anyone has any good vibes left...

23:49 / 12.11.02
I know everyone's probably all huggled out the last few days, but I could do with some reassurance, if anyone has any spare.

I'm supposed to be driving down to see my mum on Thursday, but she phoned me this afternoon to say my sister's just been taken into hospital. They reckon it's appendicitis, which is, I guess, not too bad. But her husband's been up in London for work, meaning my mum's had to drive down to look after my sister's kids.

And she sounded in a bit of a state when I spoke to her, and I know what my mum's like about worrying and stuff. I told her not to drive for at least half an hour, to sit and chill for a bit first, but she said she didn't want to drive when it was dark, so she was going to have to go straight away.

I'm sure everything'll be fine, but I'm worrying nonetheless.
00:40 / 13.11.02
Stressful yes - very much so, but this doesn't sound like a disaster that won't fairly soon pass and be gotten over, do you think?
Not that worrying is wrong of course.

I'm sure we all wish the best here.
The Apple-Picker
01:13 / 13.11.02
You can have some of my huggles and sympathies.
01:21 / 13.11.02
Lots of hugs and well-wishes - for your sister, your mom, and for you!
01:29 / 13.11.02
Always got extra hugs for you, sugar.
Saint Keggers
01:35 / 13.11.02
Attacks of Hugzilla!!!
Baz Auckland
02:36 / 13.11.02
Good vibes to you! Hope all is well! Ay!
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:52 / 13.11.02
Hugs for you, m'man.
the Fool
04:15 / 13.11.02
extra special delivery of snuggel love>>>

and cheese!

07:02 / 13.11.02
relatives being unwell is always a bit scarey -- many much hugage m'man
07:21 / 13.11.02
I hope all is well - good vbrations from one bit of Church Street to the other!
07:34 / 13.11.02
Huggles. Huggles for Stoatie, and leftovers for everyone.

We need an online group hug machine, and I never thought I'd say that...
07:42 / 13.11.02
Thanks guys- panic over. I just spoke to my mum, and my sister's fine (and on a whole bunch of morphine). I just kind of panicked cos hearing my mum upset always fucks with my head.

Thank you again.
08:13 / 13.11.02
You were just about to get virtual huggles from both my Border Terriers, the two year old and the eight week old. Here, have 'em anyway:
Double Trouble Border Huggles!
09:46 / 13.11.02
I've come in a bit late, but glad to hear that your sis is better, or at least morphed up enough not to be hurting too much.

But hugs and massive Cornish pasties from me.
Naked Flame
09:51 / 13.11.02
missed the crisis, then- well, I'm glad it worked out. Hope your sister is ok coming off the morphine, it can be a little rough...
Tryphena Absent
11:06 / 13.11.02
Having trouble believing I'm awake at 13:04 so naturally I missed the crisis but I hope your sisters recovery time is short, her kids are nice to your mum and none of us ever get appendicitis!
Goodness Gracious Meme
11:12 / 13.11.02
sorry i missed this, glad to hear things turned out ok. Take care, hon.
Magic Mutley
14:39 / 13.11.02
A bit late, but good vibes anyway...
Our Lady of The Two Towers
17:25 / 13.11.02
Big big hugs, in the same way that Emily hugs Bagpuss...
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