I know everyone's probably all huggled out the last few days, but I could do with some reassurance, if anyone has any spare.
I'm supposed to be driving down to see my mum on Thursday, but she phoned me this afternoon to say my sister's just been taken into hospital. They reckon it's appendicitis, which is, I guess, not too bad. But her husband's been up in London for work, meaning my mum's had to drive down to look after my sister's kids.
And she sounded in a bit of a state when I spoke to her, and I know what my mum's like about worrying and stuff. I told her not to drive for at least half an hour, to sit and chill for a bit first, but she said she didn't want to drive when it was dark, so she was going to have to go straight away.
I'm sure everything'll be fine, but I'm worrying nonetheless. |