I'm not clear on whether he specifically dislikes Pakistanis and takes them as representative of the entire human population between the Ural and Himalayan mountain groups, or whether he's using his personal experience with Pakistanis to internalize and justify a culturally supported bias against brown-skinned muslems or "Persians" or whatever ill-defined label is being slapped on the current Enemies of Democracy. Maybe a bit of both.
In the first case, you've got a case like the Mexicans in California or the Koreans in NYC's inner city -- an immigrant group with a lot of visibility in some labor sector given to class conflicts. Put two different cultures in close proximity with limited resources and they'll start hating each other. It's only natural, and probably not harmful in the long run. Once he's been out of Woking long enough, these feelings will fade. Within the ghetto, conditions will eventually change (most likely, the more industrious group will move out).
In the second case, he just needs to read some books. His illusions are so filmy that just minor exposure to different perspectives will dispell them. However, it's probably not your responsibility.
My last thought has been mentioned -- this is someone who likes to argue. If you like to argue as well, enjoy him. You're probably bothered -- subconsciously, now -- by a creepy feeling that your argument, because it's based on something like compassion, is "soft" or anti-competitive. Being anti-racist is kind of like not liking football; believing in justice and stuff like that is all touchy-feely and therefore not very manly. There are plenty of example of hard-case anti-racists, though, and there are manful ways of posing your argument. Think of it as a challenge to your rhetorical abilities.
However, if you don't like arguing, your only option is to ignore the little bitch. |