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The Mood Thread


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19:37 / 11.11.02
I am Very Cross. And I can't say why, because I'm at work.

How about you?
the garden gnome
19:45 / 11.11.02
complacent and dreary, me nub has frozen over; sleet as a forecast for the week.

being a garden gnome sucks lie that because no one gives me any bloody shelter for the fucking winter...although it warms me up a bit before the dogs piss freezes over.
the Fool
19:48 / 11.11.02
Sort of sad. Not really sure why. I think I'm missing being with someone. Everything is just really flat...
19:54 / 11.11.02
Spastic and kinda hungry.
The Apple-Picker
20:09 / 11.11.02
Hungry. A little down 'cause I didn't go for my run today. The restless ickiness that comes with hanging fire.
20:19 / 11.11.02
Kinda queasy. Cornpops, fruit loops and pizza was not a good combo. Woog.
Kit-Cat Club
20:24 / 11.11.02
Totally incapable of settling to anything and therefore terribly frustrated - to the extent of being almost too wired to think at all. So yes - frenetic...
Mourne Kransky
20:31 / 11.11.02
had bt broadband for a week or so and it has imploded so we can't surf heedlessly (on expensive dial up). hence pissed off. but then again, seems fairly minor compared to other things, like watching the harvest fail in Ethiopia or being a member of the Royal Family with a daaaaark secret...

otherwise, am stressed about our financial situation but that too needs to seen in perspective, also true that when I don't fret about finance I worry about more important things.

think I may audition for Mamma Mia to cheer myself up.
20:32 / 11.11.02
exhausted and in the need of a drink.

wait, do they count as moods? yes, I'm sure needing a drink counts as a mood.
Ethan Hawke
20:36 / 11.11.02
braindead. And my shin hurts. But that's as a result of my being braindead.
20:41 / 11.11.02
I'm realising with a degree of fear that I have not left and now probably will not leave the house today. Working from home is perhaps something of a poisoned chalice.

So, then...I'm feeling a little stressed, with uncooperative technology and ponderings about what I'm doing with my life (tm). And sad, because two of my best friends left for Sweden on Saturday and, although they are the most Interwebnetical fellows on Earth, it's not the same when you can't drop by their house for tea and Buffy. And just...alone, I suppose. Not lonely, in particular, but somewhat aware of the people I'm not feeling enough in touch with.
20:45 / 11.11.02
A bit melancholy and a bit lonely, but happy that I have something to be melancholy about. If that makes any sort of sense.

I'm hungover from yesterday. The two pints I had earlier made me feel momentarily better but overall I think I'll be better once I've had a good sleep.
Goodness Gracious Meme
20:49 / 11.11.02
Calm-ish. After feeling awful for a couple of days (see whinging self-indulgent thread) I'm feeling aware that I really need to look after myself, but am getting on with that. So wobbly but immeasurably better.

But also, have just a lovely indian meal and good relaxed time with a friend. So have that tired-sated thing.

So, dealing with falling levels of paranoia, fear, self-loathing and short-term perspective. Is better than was. that's good.

The Apple-Picker
20:57 / 11.11.02
Now I'm supremely pissed because I just realized that I forgot to put the eggs in my scones and have just wasted the time and ingredients for something not-quite-scones. I'm going to try to eat them anyway.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:18 / 11.11.02
Lonely, depressed, stupid and unwanted. Because of ... well, y'know. Although it's lessened when I'm at work, because I seem to flick into autopilot. Or am listening to Oxbow.
22:00 / 11.11.02
Relived because I've finally got some long overdue typesetting done, aprehensive because the work might not be enough for what its supposed to achieve. But life is still good, that's done I can get on with the rest now.
Murray Hamhandler
22:22 / 11.11.02
Way overly-caffeinated, hungry as a hippo (and away from home w/no wallet), on edge and quick to snarl grumpily at silly little things all day (for reasons beyond me), slightly panicky about the amount of work I have to complete in the next 18 hours (not to mention the whole sleeping thing that I have to work in there somewhere), focused and fairly on-task (for me, at least), self-consciously callously distant towards others (simultaneously my only way of shutting off all extraneous stimuli so's I can get my work done and my stupidly defensive solution to feeling all lonely here ["That'll show 'em! That'll show 'em all!"]), long-winded, prone to using lots parentheses, incoherent, pointless, peripheral, invisible...
23:05 / 11.11.02
err... well it was a whole lot better before reading this thread.

I send posititve energies to all of you.

slightly tired, but otherwise content... for once.
Linus Dunce
23:18 / 11.11.02
I am not cross, but I am comfort-eating muesli at the moment.
Baz Auckland
03:49 / 12.11.02
Tired and in pain (I think I broke my toe.. it's all black.. goddamn) but on the bright side I had a fun weekend and still feel charged and I finished an essay this morning too. (2 more to go).

So overall I guess I even out.
wembley can change in 28 days
06:15 / 12.11.02
Pretty good, if at sea. Just finished half of the project I'm working on, and my mysli was good this morning. Am I the only one here whose default mood is "absobloomin-lutely lovely?"
uncle retrospective
07:35 / 12.11.02
Tired and lonely. My GF is is New Zealand on holidays and isn't back till next week.
pointless and uncalled for
08:25 / 12.11.02
The regular quantities of depression that are attached with me not having a job. The only thing that I've hated more than a job is not having one.
10:04 / 12.11.02
At work, following Haus with the "what am i doing with my life" thing.
TBP - you could have a job, and be going through all this existential angsty type stuff. Not that being unemployed is much better.

However, I'm still pretty happy at the same time - going swimming at lunchtime, got all me own teeth etc.
10:55 / 12.11.02
Stressed! Very Busy! Brain shutting down! Arrrgh!
Our Lady of The Two Towers
11:55 / 12.11.02
It varies, though thankfully at the moment only from day to day. Quite insanely happy today, mainly because my LotR special edition has turned up. Yesterday I was working insanely busily and for once it actually felt good, mainly because I wasn't working busily trying to sort out mistakes or dealing with recalcitrant computers but doing stuff.
But weekends can sometimes be a bit rough, it's not SAD but a general responsiveness to the weather, letting it influence my mood...
15:20 / 12.11.02
i am very angry. i am overdrawn and i have no washing machine. for some reason, this is making me furious.
it is pmt week.
17:03 / 12.11.02
Now it's sunny and I'm happy. I can't be that simple. Can I?
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:11 / 12.11.02
Second verse, same as the first. Again, today.
Baz Auckland
02:34 / 13.11.02
My toe isn't black today! Hooray!
Nietzsch E. Coyote
06:22 / 13.11.02
Stressed out, tired and irrationally impatient.

Stressed out because I am working on an essay with a topic I really should have narrowed a little. Tired because my compromise with sleep compromised the sleep too much. And impatient? I am irrationally annoid that people aren't posting enough on barbelith. I keep hitting the refresh button. I guess if I work on the essay for a while people might post.
10:25 / 13.11.02
Shit scared, stoned too much and worrying about my future in a new country with a new life. Otherwise fine.
wembley can change in 28 days
10:30 / 13.11.02
Have a UI infection, at the mercy of doctors whose english vocabulary is surprisingly absurd, and cannot drink coffee or eat sugar or citrus for days. 3rd bike was stolen four days ago. Minus 3 degrees and I don't have a proper coat. My ex-roommate took away the toaster and the TV. I have 60 euro to my name until november 21 and just got more responsibility from work.

Default mood = pretty darn good. Am I imbalanced, or just too happy?
pointless and uncalled for
11:41 / 13.11.02
Mr. Illmatic, I have never been through existential angst and even if I were inclined towards suffering from it I would have more time to think about it while not working which would leave me angsty and broke.
Angsty and broke - that reminds me of Buffy for some reason.
Tryphena Absent
11:45 / 13.11.02
Hungry, wanting cake and tea and other foodstuff, waving at my friend Kelly who is making me laugh. Also I'm quite tired and would like to go back to bed but will make stew instead I think though on the food to washing up ratio it fails everytime.

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