Prompted by Flyboys statement that he once learnt something new every day on this site, I thought I would start a thread that would give everyone something new to learn. Every day.
To get the ball rolling here’s some advice on the prevention of piles (haemorrhoids for posh folk):
Never sit for more than 4 minuets on the toilet (this is easy for me to say, I’m a sit down, get the job over with kind of fellow. However my mate Rob will happily sit on the bog (reading the News of the World) for a good half hour. Are you one of these people? If so you're on a crash course for anal disaster.)
Get plenty of fibre in your diet, and water (whether this counteracts the above statement, I don’t know. Maybe an extra serving of beans will give you 10 more minutes on the bog? I don’t know, but is it worth the risk?)
This is all on the Piles front, but don’t be afraid to ask your local chemist for suppositories, this condition is more common than people like to admit.
So, if you have any other useful facts for us (not just Flyboy) to learn, then please post them here. |